At Work...Again

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I collapsed in bed as soon as I got home. Nothing too interesting happened the rest of yesterday, except when I saw a group of about 5 little Elsa's pass through the streets. I didn't see Phil for the rest of the day, but then again, I barely know him. No use expecting a lot of talking from a boy you've just met.

I woke up to the familiar sound of my alarm clock. Most people use their phones, but waking up to a shrill, annoying ringing noise is more effective than Twenty One Pilots songs. I repeatedly smacked my hand against the small electronic box until I succeeded in knocking it onto the floor.

Yet it still rang.

I rubbed my eyes and properly opened them, glaring at the alarm clock. Shoving the covers off of me, I got up and picked up the annoying thing. I gave it a good, final smack before locating the off button. Mom and Dad say I should treat my stuff better, but I will once it stops being so annoying to have. Oh yea. This is the third alarm clock I've owned in the past two years.

After placing it back on my nightstand, I quietly made my way downstairs. No one else had woken up yet, and I didn't wish for any social interaction this early in the morning; I haven't had a cup of coffee yet. I dug around the pantry for a blueberry muffin while starting a pot of coffee. After a few minutes, I was sat quietly at the breakfast bar with my muffin, cup of Joe, and phone. I unlocked my phone and saw I had gotten some texts from my friends back where I used to live.

Hey, Dan! How's Florida? Sorry I haven't texted sooner; my mom took me and my sister on a spontaneous camping trip. I honestly wish we could go camping where there's cell service.

Dan the man! How's it going? Lizzy keeps bugging me to give her your phone number, but I'm listening to you and not giving into her so-called bribes. I mean, unless you count a kiss on the cheek as a bribe, but you know me.... Strait as a roller coaster. Speaking of roller coasters, have you gone to any parks yet? I remember your mom telling me you were moving relatively near Disney World. Man, I'm jealous.

Hey, Dan. I know we broke up because you were moving, but... Never mind. How's your new house?

I set my phone down after reading them, reminiscing on what would've happened if I had stayed back there. If only I would've stayed back there. Why on earth was I here? I suddenly became angry, slamming my fist onto the table. A loud thud echoed around the house, most likely waking up everyone. I froze, listening for any movement from upstairs.


I buried my face in my hands, ashamed about my anger issues. My parents had threatened that they'd send me to therapy or a psychologist if I didn't get my actions under control. I still remember when my father had to pin me on the ground so I couldn't reach my uncle who had just insulted my mother at the time.

I snapped back into reality as I heard footsteps from behind me. "Hey, Dan. I can leave if you want to." I turned around sadly and looked at Adrian. I could tell he knew I was struggling with my anger right now, but I was calm. I was drained, no longer feeling my blood pressure escalate when it had as I thought about all that had happened and all that I had left behind. "No. Stay. You want a muffin?" He nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. I got up and grabbed another muffin from the pantry. Handing it to him, I closed the door and grabbed my cup, gulping down the last of the scalding-hot liquid. "I need to get dressed now. Have a good breakfast." He gave me a small smile before asking, "Dan, are you ok?"

I knew the answer was no. I knew I needed help. I just didn't know if I could admit it.

"Yea. Thanks."

I went back upstairs and hurriedly got dressed and ready to go. I said goodbye to Adrian before going to the garage.

After a few minutes of driving, I was in the employee parking lot, locking my car. Fast forward another 10 minutes and I was once again walking down the stairs to the workshop. Opening the door, I heard Ms. Mary ordering people about, sewing machines buzzing, and people chatting. I closed the door behind me and made my way to Ms. Mary. After she had shoed off the last of the workers, I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and exclaimed, "Oh, Dan! It's you! You nearly gave me a heart attack. Your costume from now on will be hanging on the male-character costume rack. Just go to one of the dressing rooms to change." "Wait. There are dressing rooms in this place?"

She nodded and hurried off, leaving me to grab my costume and try to find these "dressing rooms." I made my way down the hall and past "Finishing Touches" and a few other rooms when I rounded a corner and found multiple doors on either side of the hallway. They had little signs hanging on the front of them by a nail, saying in fancy writing whether they were vacant or in use. I watched as Snow White came out of one of them, flipped the sign back to vacant, and walked past me. I immediately took the room she was in, flipping the sign before closing and locking the door behind me.

I turned around to find a long table against a wall along with two chairs. Another wall was made entirely out of mirror. There was a coat rack, shoe box, tiny bathroom area, and storage boxes with bobby pins and hair ties. The overhead lights filled the room with a natural glow, making it seem as though you had windows in there.

I put my costume on the table and took a quick bathroom break before undressing and putting on my costume. I put my regular clothes in one of the storage boxes and stashed it under my arm before grabbing my fez and heading to Ms. Mary's to drop it off. After sneaking in there quietly and depositing it under the rack of costumes, I went to hair and makeup to cover up my bruise. Before I made it in, though, Tyler wandered up to me.

"Hey, Dan! That is your name, right?" I nodded. "Ready for today?" I answered him as I went into the room, him following closely behind. "Yea. I just need to cover up this darn bruise." He coughed as he followed me in and said, "Yea. I getcha. What a brat, am I right? I mean, why take your kid here if he's just going to mutilate the employees." I nodded and made my way up to Troye, who thankfully wasn't working on anyone. "Troye! Can I get makeup done really quickly?" He turned around and grinned at me. "Sure thing. Come over here. Oh!" He stopped and made eye contact with Tyler, who had been standing behind me. "And who might this be?"

With a small blush, the security guard responded, "I'm Tyler. And I'm guessing you're Troye?" "In the flesh." "Well, nice to meet you, Troye." Troye stated with a wink, "The pleasure's all mine," and beckoned me over to his work area. I tried to ignore all flirting between the two as I got my makeup done by loudly singing the Pokémon theme tune in my head. As the Screamo-esque music played in my head, I saw Tyler and Troye in the mirror making erotic eye contact at each other.

"Troye. Am I good to go?" He turned back to me, dotted one more spot with the brush, and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "See you later, Dan." And then he whispered something in Tyler's ear that made the both of them blush. I hurriedly walked out of the room, feeling awkward watching the two flirt. However, I walked out so fast that I accidently ran into someone.

I ended up sprawled out on the floor as the person stumbled backwards. "Oh no! Are you ok, Dan?" I froze and looked up, seeing Phil standing over me.


I felt my face flush as I responded, "Oh yea. Sorry about running into you." He smiled and said it was fine as he held out a hand to me. I hesitantly took it and soon felt myself being pulled up. I was soon standing less than a foot away from him as he smiled at me. He hadn't let go of my hand yet, but I was thankful for that. Before either of us could say anything, I heard Tyler say from behind me, "Sorry to bother your little romantic moment, but Dan, you need to get to your station."

Phil and I blushed as we dropped our hands. I waved goodbye to him as Tyler shoved me towards the stairs. Once Phil was out of earshot, I turned around and confronted Tyler. "What was that for?" I whispered/hissed. He shrugged, saying, "You need to go. After all, wasn't it you that interrupted Troye's and my little moment?" I face palmed as we walked up the stairs and out the door.

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