Happy Birthday!

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**Hello My dear readers... Sorry this took so long but the time just got away on me there... But anyway... This chapter was going to have a little bit more but I decided to stop it where I did and update rather than making you guys wait even longer for the same thing that will be in the next update if that makes sense XD Also... I kind of jump perspectives a little bit and I would love to know if it is all clear or if it is confusing so please let me know... Anyway... Enjoy!**

Today is the day. I am going to give everything I've got to get back at Taehyung. He is going to want me SOOO bad. If only I could pick out an outfit...

"JIMIN! I'm having a crisis here... Leather or no?" I hollered at him through my phone.

"Jeez ... Calm down Kookie. It isn't that serious. Just wear whatever. Remember it is Joon's birthday too ya know." sighed Jimin.

"I know and I can't wait till he opens my gift but this is a serious matter. I have to look my best and you aren't helping me." I whined, "I just want him to feel the way I do."

"I'm pretty sure he does bro." Yoongi stated over the phone, "He is always talking about you and it is actually starting to get REALLY annoying."

"Wait What?" I exclaimed as I paused in my search for the right shirt to wear.

"Yeah Kook...He is head over heels for you just like you are for him!" Jimin giggled.

"That...no... NOT TRUE! I mean... Not the point right now! He teased me endlessly so I must get my comeuppance!"

"What are you 50? Who even uses that word anymore? " teased Jimin, "Anyway... tonight should be interesting but right now Yoongi and I have MUCH more important things to be doing before tonight. See ya in a few hours Kookie!"

"Eww TMI. You and Namjin as so gross. Goodbye ya nasties." I sighed as I ended the call. Now all I needed to do was finish my outfit!



"Hobi, Hobi, Hobi. You don't get it. There was a connection. It is a thing. He has a thing for me. FOR ME! And I will make something happen tonight. He will be mine." I grinned as I paced my bedroom floor.

"I don't get you Tae. Why can't you just tell the boy you like him? It is so obvious that he likes you too so why play games like this?" questioned Hoseok.

"Because it is more fun!" I exclaimed, "Now. Help me make a plan. Tonight must go perfectly. First I want you to ask him..."


I grinned as I made my way up to Namjoon's house. It was bigger than what I was expecting but that wasn't what I was focused on. My full focus was on making sure that Taehyung had nothing on his mind but me tonight. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Jungkook! You're here! Come in come in!" Jin hollered as he ushered me inside. I stepped in the doorway and asked where I should put my stuff. Jin led me into the basement and I dropped my bag on the floor with the others and placed my gift for Joon on the table. I followed Jin back upstairs to the kitchen where I was greeted by Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon.

"Happy Birthday Namjoon." I smiled. "You have a really nice house."

"Thanks Kook. No need to be so polite and formal," he laughed, "Taehyung and J-Hope should be here soon." As he said that we heard a knock on the door. I stayed in the kitchen with Jimin and Yoongi as the other two went to greet the new arrivals.

"Jimin. I'm so nervous. Do I look okay?" I said frantically.

"You look amazing as always Kookie now breathe. You've got nothing to worry about." Jimin giggled as he leaned on the counter snacking on some chips. "He will be drooling."

Just as he said that the group walked into the kitchen. Taehyung was the last to enter and he took my breath away. He looked stunning. I hadn't really seen him in everyday clothes seeing as we have to wear uniforms at school but HOT DAMN! That boy is too beautiful.

"Hey Kookie, and everyone else" Taehyung said with a wink. Taehyung was trying to act all cool but he was really dying on the inside because Jungkook looked sinful in those black leather pants. He was feeling ALL sorts of ways.

"Wow I feel so loved." scoffed Jimin.

"Its okay baby," cooed Yoongi as he fluffed Jimin's bright orange hair, "You don't need his love, you've got me."

"Eww Gross" Hoseok snickered as he pretended to gag.

"Anyway!" exclaimed Jin as he raised his arms to get everyone's attention. "Now that the whole squad is here, let us get this birthday shindig started!"


A couple hours later after we had eaten pizza and played some video games, it was decided it was time for Namjoon to open his gifts. We all gathered around him on the floor. Jin obviously went first. Namjoon slowly opened the gift bag and was surprised with navy blue Ryan Pj's. Jin clapped excitedly as Joon kissed his cheek.

Jimin had supplied him with a gift card for his favourite book store and Yoongi got him some new notebooks for composing. Hoseok, of course, outfitted him with some new clothes from Supreme and Taehyung gifted him with the new Kanye West CD. Lastly, he opened Jungkook's new headphones, thanking him profusely seeing has he had JUST broken his replacements for the last ones he had broken.

"Thanks so much everyone. Why don't we all watch a movie now?" grinned Namjoon. Everyone agreed and snuggled onto the couch and floor to watch Guardians of the Galaxy. Jimin had passed out with his head on Yoongi's lap so Hoseok decided that things needed to be spiced up a bit. It was too early to go to bed!

"EVERYONE WAKE UP! Its game time!" J-Hope yelled as he shot up from his spot on the floor, startling everyone. Jimin groaned and snuggled in closer to Suga in protest but everyone slowly got up. The TV was shut off and the snacks and drinks were refreshed. They all gathered in a circle on the floor to decide what to do.

"I say we play spin the bottle!" exclaimed Hoseok.

"Um how about no?" Jin piped up, "There are two couples here. It will be no fun."

"Wanna play a board game?" inquired Namjoon.

"Oh I know!" Taehyung interrupted with an evil smirk, "Let's play Truth or Dare."

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