Chapter 2

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Warning!This chapter is pg-13,wait, i'm sure you're gonna read it no matter what cause if you're like me then you normally dont give a crap about this kind of stuff. and I'm sure its not gonna even have that kind of bad stuff so on with teh story!


I got into the shotgun of my mums car. She got in a few minutes later and said,

"Its good to not see you crying in bed" I nodded. She tried to make small talk but I ignored the questions and dodged the comments. She drove to the store, but then she finally asked a question that I had to answer.

"Do you still love her?"

"I will always love her, but I will never forgive her" I said. Mum didn't say anything else, just focused on the road. I looked out the window and watched familiar stores pass by. I knew that I have only been gone for a year,but it feels like I haven't been in South Shields for centuries. She pulled up at the store, and we got out. We walked in, and I went to the snack isile. I grabbed different kinds of crisps and some cookies. I gave them to my mum.

"I have to use the bathroom." I said. I wandered around the store before finding it. I walked in and checked myself in the mirror. My eyes rang a light red and I looked better than I did earlier. I walked into one of the stalls and did my business. I walked out and washed my hands. I splashed some water in my face and put on some chapstick. I heard someone talking, it sounded male.I was sure that it was coming from outside.Boy was I wrong.

I turned around and saw 5 guys looking at me.I stood still.One if them started walking towards me.I backed up and hit the sink.He grabbed me and threw me to the floor. He started kicking me. I screamed as loud as my lungs would let me. Another one shoved a gag into my mouth. The one who was kicking me pulled me up and pinned me against the wall. One of them who looked like he was my age ripped off my shirt. He ripped of my skinny jeans and I kicked him.

"IF you stay still this might not take so long.Move again and we'll hurt you" He said. His voice was rough sounding. I gave up on moving. Dumbest thing I ever did. He ripped off my bra and underwear. I realized that I was completely naked in front of 5 strangers. What the hell is going on? The one who was holding me up started to undress himself. My eyes widen as I realized what was gonna happen. I shut my eyes tightly hoping this all was a dream. Tears streamed down my face.Why didnt I run when I hate the chance?Why did this have to happen to me? I was about to kick them, but it was to late.

They ran off after they all took their turns. I was against the wall, my eyes were wide and had tears streaming down my face. Why did I let that happen?Why didn't I stop them?! My stomach started turning, and I got up and ran to the nearest stall. I emptied my stomach contents before falling onto the ground. I laid there for a few minutes before getting up and walking out. I put on my clothes and walking to the sink.I washed out my mouth and splashed water onto my face. My throat was burning and I felt horrible. I walked out and searched for my mum.

"I'm gonna go wait in the car" I said. She nodded as I walked away. Once I got out of her sight I ran out the store. I ran towards her car. My eyes were closed and I ended up crashing into somebody.I fell down and landed on my bottom. Great.  Sore throat and bruised bum.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking at were I was going" The person said. My eyes opened  the second I heard their voice. I looked up, and there she was. My heart broke when I saw her. I got up immediatly and ran past her, not looking back. Life was not loving me today.It was like that it was punching me and telling me that I suck. I ran to my mums car and got in. My day was just spot on perfect*note sarcasm*! I burried my face into my hands and cursed silently. I wasn't ready for this.I didn't desvere this. Why,Why did I have to be gang raped today? Why didn't I just stay home? I felt sick to my stomach. It was hard to breath. I focused on steadying my breathing. Let's see, I wasn't a virgin anymore, I ran into my ex, and my head hurts. I don't know why my head hurts, it just does. I shut my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

"Perrie,Perrie wake up!" Someone said shaking me. My eyes opened slowly and it was my brother Jonnie. I opened my eyes and found myself in my room.

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"Well firstly, you were asleep for 24 hours.Secondly, they had me carry you" He said. I sat up and my stomach turned. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up a few times. Sense I hadn't eaten anything I was just spewing up water. Jonnie handed me a cup of water. I rinsed out my mouth before flushing the toilet. I stood in that position over the toilet for a couple of minutes, in case if I was gonna throw up again.I decided that it was safe to go so I walked to the livingroom and plopped down onto the couch

"Perrie what happened that day?"Mum asked.

"I dont remember"

 I couldn't remember anything. I ignored everyone talking to me until everything came back. I remembered everything that happened. It was to much for me to handle. I ran back to my room and cried for the rest of the day.


As you can see, i really am bad about not updating. and i am really confusing. hope you guys understand it and like it anyways and i might update tomorrow.when i say might it means yeah i will.


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