Chapter 6

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"You see, the boat you got on was a cursed boat. Not literally, they just have really bad luck. Every time they go it on sea, a huge storm almost knocks em off. But every time there's not a girl on the boat, there's no storm. They blame it on us that they're always being chased by storms." Pearl says.

"So whenever that ship sets sail, I always follow it. Whoever is thrown off, I try to help. There were so many of you, one of you almost died." She said. She wouldn't say who, but the way she looked at Avrie gave it away. "Anyway-"

"So there's more of you?" Kayla blurt out.

"Why yes. I try to save as many people as I can. I actually have a few still from the Titanic." She says. "That's where all this comes from." She motioned to the room. "It all came from different ship wrecks." The girls looked at each other and smiled.

"So, how'd we get this form?" Jenna asks, looking down.

"Oh simple. Your ankles were already untied, so it was easy to give you a tail. The water had not completely entered your lungs, so I just needed to get a few bottles full of air. I let each of you breath that, forcing it in your lungs, and then once you were breathing again, I slowly cut off your supply. So you body adapted to the water. That's why I finished you guys first." She motioned to Avery, Jenna, and Kayla.

"So.. why?" Autumn asks.

"Because we need your help."

"This is some cliche shit right here. Like things you'd see in movies or Wattpad stories." Kayla said.

"Ya but.. I'm gonna be honest. We don't be you specifically. We just need more people, and someone who can think of a plan." Pearl informs the girls.

Jenna turns to Autumn. "She gives me plans for how to get my chores done." Jenna says.

"I mean, I could try to make a plan. I'd need these guys though." Autumn says, pointing to the others.

"Really?" Pearl says. "You're good at that?"

"I mean, ya? If we each come up with good ideas then we're good." Autumn replies.

"We need to destroy their ship, so that they can't hurt another girl again." Pearl says, her voice has changed from sweet, to cruel. Her eyes are glowing red like a wildfire. The girls don't say anything, and go back to eating their soggy food.

"It's getting late. I'll show you to your rooms." Pearl says, her cheery voice back. The girls were happy to leave their food, and go to bed. They follow Pearl out of the cave, and into a smaller one. It was completely empty, except for some seaweed lying on the ground.

"You can put the seaweed over thermal vents if you get cold." Pearl says, quickly turning and leaving.

"Well that was weird." Autumn says once Pearl is gone.

"Eh. Weirder things have happened." Avery says, looking down at herself.

Jenna yawns, and grabs a small seaweed blanket, leaving the cave. Probably to heat it up. Kayla and Avrie resort to snuggling to keep body heat, as does Autumn and Avery. The soft sand blows slightly with the girls breath, as is moves to fit how the girls sleep. It was probably the best 'bed' they've ever slept on. They quickly fall asleep.

. . .

They wake up, to darkness. They've made themselves one big blob of people, huddled in the corner of the cave. Avrie wakes up first, accidentally waking up Jenna, who grunts, waking up Kayla. As Kayla reaches for her glasses, she hits Autumn, who wakes up with a start, smacking Avery.

Great way to start the day.

The girls make their way to the edge of the cave, where some sunlight is beaming down. They go to the cafeteria cave, and they see fish eggs. Nobody touches them.

They swim out into the cool water, swimming around to stretch their tails. The water feels good as it moves its way around their scales.

"So, we should probably make a plan before we're yelled at by Pearl." Autumn suggests. Everyone agrees, but Avery.

They look around, and see Avery chasing a fish yelling "LET ME LOVE YOU!" They all laugh, until Avery gives up.

"What did you say again?" Avery asks, turning to Autumn.

The girls just all start laughing. "Uh, oh ya! Plans. Revenge on ship, thing." Autumn stutters.

"We get everybody, and push it over." Jenna suggests.

"And we could use rocks to make holes in the ship." Avrie throws in. "To sink it."

"Does she want them dead?" Autumn asks.

"She just said 'destroy the ship.'" Avery quoted.

"It seems too easy. Why couldn't they have just thought of that themselves? What's so hard about it?" Autumn asks. "We can track their route. When we know it, plant rocks in the way of it so they have to stop. Not only will it hurt their boat, but it'll give us enough time to start sinking their ship."

"We'd have to do it during a storm so the more vulnerable." Kayla says.

"Well. We got our plan. Let's go find Pearl." Autumn says, swimming to the caves again. After the girls search around, they find Pearl at the thermal vents.

"Hey Pearl!" Avery says, getting her attention. She gasped, "it's the fish from earlier! Come back and be my friend!" She yells, swimming off.

"Uhh ok." Avrie says. "So, we have a plan." The brown dye that was in Avries hair had washed out, and now it was a blinding yellow.

"Really?" Pearl says.

"Yup." Autumn says. "We track where the boat normally goes. Find a semi-shallow area and cover it with rocks, just under the surface."

"That'll allow the ship to have to stop, or at least get a hole." Says Jenna. "We'll follow them until a storm takes place. They'll be vulnerable that way."

"Then we can attack their boat with rocks, so the wood will break. We should also be rocking their boat so that it might tip over." Kayla says.

Pearl smiles at all of the girls, kinda setting them off. "Great job you guys. Let's start working."

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