Chapter 9

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Autumn takes the girls to where Avrie and Avery are being held. Pearl has a gun to each of their heads, and the two girls stay as still as possible.

"Well well well if it isn't your little friends." Pearl mocks. "Make any move closer and I'll blow your friend's brains out."

"Why are you doing this?" Autumn yells.

"Cause. If there's blood, there's shark. And where there is sharks, there's fun." Pearl says with an evil smile. She makes the girls blood feel like ice.

Pearl has the two girls heals at gunpoint, as her hair is gracefully dancing with the current. How can someone so evil be so pretty?

She fires the gun, and the girls watch a pool of blood surround Avery's body. Her body lifelessly floats to the floor.

Avrie cups her hands over her mouth. "One down." Pearl says, cocking the gun.

"Please no I'll do anyth-" Avrie is cut off. Pearl fires the gun once more. Avries body goes limp, and falls with Avery's.

The girls are frozen where they are, as they look at their dead friends. They don't know what to do. They just wanted a simple trip to the U.K.

The cold water wraps around the girls as Pearl chuckles to herself. She swims around, and into a nearby shipwreck. It's not the boat they sunk earlier. This one was made of of metal, and is small.

They see a figure in the distance, and watch it come closer. Soon, then see what it is.

A shark.

The are paralyzed by fear. The shark bounds to Kate, quickly biting her tail. She screams in pain as the shark finishes her off. Autumn and Kayla snap out of their trance, and start swimming away.

A shark appears behind Autumn. She gives a short scream, before the shark quickly chomps her in half. More blood mixes with the water.

Jenna hides behind a large rock, but is quickly found by a hungry shark. A blood curling scream fills the water, as it's cut off as quickly as it came.

Kayla is pinned against a cave, pushing away a shark by its hungry jaws. Tears fall from her eyes, and mix with the water and blood. She spots Pearl, who is laughing safely in a shipwreck.

She's done with Pearl. She's disappointed in Pearl for making it come to this. Disappointed in Avery and Avrie for giving up so easily. Disappointed in Autumn for letting that happen. But mostly, disappointed in herself. For pointing out the raffle for the U.K.

Kayla shakes her head at Pearl, as she lets go of the shark. She screams, but her scream is short lived, as the shark devours Kayla, and her blood spills across the sea, mixing with the others. She joins her friends.

The sharks happily swim away, leaving Pearl. They do not need anymore food, and Pearl would be too much trouble to get from in the shipwreck. Pearl swims out of the wreck once the sharks are gone, and smiles at the damage she's created.

She picks up Avery's glasses and swims to a cave. She puts the glasses with many other things that have fallen off of those she's killed. There are rows of necklaces, earring, glasses, bracelets, and even hair bands.

She smiles, satisfied.

April Fools

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