I'm having a panic attack

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Requested by Jyushimatsu_Matsuno

Panic Attacks:

A panic attack can come from nowhere. It can build up slowly or just erupt from a seemingly fine mood. Regardless, if you're having a panic attack or feel one coming on try some of these methods.

1 - Close your eyes, listen to your breathing. If it doesn't sound calm then try to slow it down. There's no rush, you have all the time in the world.

2 - If #1 isn't your style; take a deep breath. Keep breathing in slowly as you count silently from 1 to 4. Then breathe out slowly, counting to 4. Continue this until you feel your breathing calming down. ( adjust the number counted to depending on your lung capacity, 3 - 5 is average )

3 - Identify the source of the panic attack. An example would be speaking to an employee asking for help. Remind yourself that this person will not hurt you and is there to help. Of course every situation is different.

4 - Hold onto something in your hand, or hold onto someone's hand. I personally carry a rock for this very occasion. Rocks come in so many colours, shapes, textures, etc. Find one that has a calming colour or soothing texture, something that fits your specific taste. If you don't have a rock you can grip something such as your phone or a pen. Focus on what you're holding. Think about how it feels. The texture, temperature, etc.

5 - Sit down somewhere. Feeling panic while standing or in motion can make you feel sick/worse. Sit down somewhere with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Sometimes tapping your feet to feel the ground underneath can help.

6 - Rub your hands together as if you are washing them. Focussing on the texture and temperature of your hands can help calm you.

7 - Squeeze your hands into fists slowly and then release. Doing this over a period of time can help relax your muscles and calm you down. It also increases blood flow which helps to a certain degree.


If you have any questions please let me know. You can do so by commenting on the "Questions" chapter or you can pm me on my main account here: -Jyushimatsu-

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