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Genre: fluff

3rd person's POV:

"Hyung I'm so stupid,I fell for him and I shouldn't,I'm so stupid" Hoseok cried into Jin's shirt. His shirt was beginning to get damp but he didn't care,he just wants to console the broken boy in his arms.

"Shhhh,Hobi you're not stupid just because you fell for him" jin reasoned with him

"I am,I am Hyung and I feel so terrible now" Hoseok was crying even harder than before now.

"Is it because of his girlfriend? Is that what's breaking you? Jin asked,although the already knew the answer to that.

Hoseok raised his head from jin's shoulder"I'm a bad person Hyung,He's happy with Mina and I went ahead and fell for him.I don't want to ruin their relationship but it hurts seeing them together hyung,it hurts"

"Look at me Hobi" jin lifted him by the chin so that he could look him in the eye.
"True love cannot be controlled and if you know you really love him you should tell him"

"But Hyung"

"Trust me hobi,you'll feel even worse if you don't tell him.You don't know what the chances might be"jin said

"The only outcome of that is that I'm gonna destroy our friendship,he's gonna hate me Hyung" he started tearing up again.

Jin wiped the tears that has fallen with his thumb " Hobi,do you wanna go for ice cream?"

"Seriously Hyung,that's what you're asking me now? Hobi deadpanned

"Hey ice cream fixes everything"jin shrugged "let's just go,I can't leave you crying here,Let the spirit of ice cream cheer you up" jin said with a grin.

Hoseok laughed unconsciously..
"See? Its already working, now let's go!! Jin said,trying to aegyo.

"Eww Hyung,aegyo looks terrible on you" hoseok said,faking a gag."let's just go"

Namjoon's POV:

"You always do this,I'm tired of this your bullshit attitude"

I was seriously getting tired of this,at this rate I don't think I can go on.

"Namjoon its ju-

"Stop it Mina,you've been doing this and I've been tolerating it,but not anymore!

"Namjoon,its just work, I'll make it up to you hmmm?she said with a pout.

One upon a time that pout used to give me butterflies but I don't feel anything anymore..

"Work,is that the lie you're using now?
Oh give me a break Kim Mina,I won't let you make a fool out of me anymore"

I know Mina has been cheating on me,I didn't want to believe it at first but From my findings I can't lie to myself anymore..its definitely over this time.

"Baby~You know I love you right,let me help you take your mind off this hmmm? She being flirty but I'm not gonna fall for it this time,not anymore,I've been a fool for too long..

"Its over Mina"

"What? You're joking right?cus if it's a joke I must say you got me..she said

"Its O V E R over Mina,I can't do this anymore,and at least you can date that other guy freely now" I say as I start walking over to the door of her house..

"Hey namjoon,you can't break up with me"

"I just did"I said as I walked out of her house, I could hear her screaming but I didn't care,cus I know that it's just an act,she's probably happy on the inside.

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