Yoonseok:Its okay

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Genre:*I don't know*😂

3rd person POV:

"Sir here are the files you asked for"

"Ok drop it there" Hoseok said,pointing to the corner of his work desk ."anything else?

"Ah yes sir,the Manoban enterprise scheduled the conference for the 13th of this month"Hoseok's secretary said.

"And do we have anything scheduled for that day?"

"No sir"

"Tell them we'll be there,you may go now Miss Lee"hoseok said,as he picked up the files to access them.

*phone rings*


"Hoseok come home now,yoongi tried hurting himself again"Hoseok's friend namjoon told him

"Shit! Hold on I'll be right there! Wait is he okay? Why did he? Never mind I'm on my way!"hoseok dropped all the work he was doing and walked out of the office, taking just his wallet and keys.

"Miss Lee I have to leave right now,cancel everything I have for today" hoseok said as he walked to her desk

"But sir there's a meeti-

"I said cancel everything, are you deaf!? Hoseok then walked to the elevator and got in

"Hey Seok,what's up" jimin,hoseok's partner asked as he saw Hoseok walking out of the elevator.

"I have to leave right now"


"I'll tell you later,I can't explain now" hoseok said as he started walking towards the exit.

"What do I do about the meeting now!?! Jimin shouted to hoseok that was almost out of the company.

"Cover up for me!!hoseok shouted back

"Aish! What type of CEO just leaves the company right before a board meeting!?! Jimin shouted again,although this time hoseok didn't hear him,because he had already left the company.

Hoseok is the CEO of Jung cooperation,he inherited the company from his father after his death,he's also the Richest CEO ,just being 25years old

Hoseok got to his house in record time and went straight to his and yoongi's bedroom where he could hear yoongi crying

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry"yoongi kept on apologizing as he hugged his knees to his chest on the floor in the corner of the room while namjoon was trying to calm him down

"Hey baby,its ok,its ok,I'm here,calm down"Hoseok said as he cradled yoongi in his arms. Hoseok wondered what would have triggered yoongi's trauma to make him want to commit suicide."Yoongi Baby, calm down"

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry hobi,I'm sorry,sorry"yoongi cried into hoseok's shoulders,he seemed terrified

"Its okay,just calm down,we'll talk about it later,get up let's get you to the bed"hoseok carried yoongi to the bed and made him sit down then turned to namjoon

"What happened?he said quietly to namjoon

"I just came here to take my stuff I forgot here the other day when I saw yoongi trying to overdose himself"namjoon explained

Hoseok looked back at yoongi who was staring at the floor,still crying.

"Ok joon,thank you"

"Well,I'll be leaving now,I gotta be somewhere now"

"Ok bye joon,thanks again"hoseok said

"Yeah bye,take care of him ok?"hoseok just nodded

Hoseok just went next to hoseok and held him close,trying to stop him from crying. Yoongi is traumatic,he's been calm all this while so hoseok wonders what would have triggered it now,but he didn't want to ask yoongi now,he needed him to calm down first .

After a few hours hoseok successfully calmed yoongi down totally.

"So do you want to tell me what happened now?"hoseok asked calmly

"Hobi,I hate myself,I'm not normal,I'm insane,and I keep causing you trouble"yoongi said,Hus voice hoarse From all the crying

"Yoon,you're not insane,you're perfect"he took yoongi's hand into his and kissed his knuckles"I love you,you know that right?" Hoseok asked,looking into his eyes

"I know,and I love you too but-

"It's okay,that's all that matters yoon"hoseok kissed yoongi on the forehead,then his nose,then his lips,he let the kiss linger for awhile,hoping he can get his feelings through to yoongi

"Hobi,help me,I keep hurting myself,I don't want to loose you but I just can't stop,and I'm sorry"yoongi let a tear fall

Yoongi has been sucifal since he was a kid,no one knows what caused it. Hoseok is the only person that yoongi has now,his parents are both dead.

"Yoon,will you see a doctor,I know a doctor that specialises in your case,he can help you,yoongi please don't say no" hoseok begged because yoongi has always refused to go to a doctor

"I really want you to be okay yoongi so-

"I go"

"Really,you will? Hoseok was honestly happy now

"Yes I will,I want to be normal so I can stop bothering you hobi,I'm sorry"

"No yoon,I'll gladly do anything for you,I just don't want you to hurt yourself,I don't want to loose you"

"Ok,I'll do it because I don't want to loose you too,I love you Hobi"yoongi said as he kissed Hoseok

"And I love you too Yoon"hoseok said as he pulled away from the kiss.

"Don't you have to go back to work now?"yoongi asked

"Nah,jimin is covering for me,Now let's take a nap,tomorrow well go see the doctor okay?"

"Okay hobi,I love you"

"In love you too yoon"hoseok kissed yoon on the head. He knows yoongi will be fine
"Stay with me always Hobi"

"I will yoon"

(A/n):Again,I wrote this in class and now my hand hurts a lot...

I didn't proofread so pardon any error.

I'm a big fan of Yoonseok,and this story just popped into my head soooooo......yeah bye now😂😂😂

The hope signing out...peace✌✌

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