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You quickly walked down the flight of stairs, as you passed by many students and teachers, whom had already finished with their lunch breaks. You hurried your steps after noticing the time, as you tried to hold onto your heavy bag without tripping over your own feet.

After a few more brisk steps, you arrived at the school's gates, which were just seconds away from closing up. You asked for the guard standing next to them to stop, and hoped that he would listen to your excuse without any mayor suspicions.

"Excuse me, sir." You began, as you tried to prevent yourself from shifting on your feet. If you were going to lie, you had to make sure you made full eye contact with him, and that your posture didn't falter nor hesitate. "I. . . I have to leave the school. My parents called, and it's a bit of a personal topic."

"How personal, exactly?" The guard pressed, with a raised eyebrow, and with his arms crossed over his chest.

"They had some. . . problems with my sibling, and they ordered me to return back home so I can help them." You explained, whilst placing a prudent amount of emphasis on 'problems'.

Perhaps, that would be enough to for him to believe your words. Though, it wasn't as if you were completely lying, for your sibling did tend to get in trouble quite often at her school. It was a rare occasion on which you didn't have to let her stay the night at your room, as you were rather used to spoiling her each time she returned back home with a gloomy look on her face.

The man in front of you stood in silence, while giving your excuse some thought. His quite demeanor lasted a few seconds, causing you to worry over the situation. With a nod, however, he pushed open one side of the gates, and made a gesture for you to pass.

"You can go, but you must bring a signed letter from your parents, to confirm that what you said was true."

You nodded firmly in response to his words, whilst taking a step outside the gates. You'd successfully managed to leave the school, and now, all that was left was to find the girl with the dark, unkempt hair. She didn't seem too happy after what happened at the classroom, and seeing her leave the school shortly after the incident was just enough to make you worry over her well-being.

You ran past various buildings and homes, hoping to find the girl nearby. She had left barely half and hour ago, which led you to believe she could still be around somewhere. Your run continued on without hesitation, as you finally came across with her familiar hair style.

The girl, of which you only remembered her last name, was sitting at a park bench, with her hands placed over her skirt. She had her face down, in what appeared to be a combination of both sadness and anger. With a bit of doubt, you called out for her last name, as you hoped she would respond to your call.

"Kuroki!" You yelled out, whilst waving towards her.

The girl lifted her gaze, with her eyes now as wide as saucers. Her startled expression quickly settled down, once recognizing who'd been the one to call her.

"Y- (Y/N)?!" She questioned, with her tone hinting at bewilderment.

Content that she'd recognized your face, you calmly walked towards her side, and sat down on the empty space next to her. You both faced one another with slight awkwardness floating over the air, as you hesitated on whether you should ask her about the incident, or of it was best to remain quiet.

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