Chapter 2

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You stood in front of the Kuroki residence, waiting for Tomoko to make her appearance. You'd knocked on her door twice, and were promptly answered with a 'coming' by what appeared to be a male voice.

Suddenly, however, you heard some footsteps, which were accompanied by a loud thud and grunt. After the abrupt noise, the door swung open, with the familiar girl now standing before your eyes. Her eyes seemed to show excitement, while her figure showed a bit of exhaustion over it. It appeared as if she'd ran a marathon to get the door, and after you glanced at the inside of the home, you noticed a young man lying on the floor, with an annoyed frown taking over his face.

"The hell was that for?" The young man, which resembled a great part of Tomoko's appearance, questioned as he tried to get up from the floor.

"Shut up." The girl before you muttered, now glancing behind her with a faint glare made visible over her features. It's not my fault you were blocking my way."

With that, she returned her focus back on you, ignoring his angered questions and complaints. You arched an eyebrow at the whole scenery set before your eyes, rather curious over just what had transpired while the front door was locked. You assumed they were siblings, as the way they acted with each other was too familiar not to feel that way.

"Are you ready to go out now?" You inquired with a smile, as you stood in wait for her answer.

"Yeah." She nodded her head firmly, as she promptly stepped out of her home. "I already told mom I'd be leaving with, so let's go!

- - - - -

You gently grabbed Tomoko by the arm, and led her towards the inside of the shop. There, you were instantly greeted by one of the store's clerks. She welcomed the two of you into the building with a smile, and gestured for you to look around.

"This is where I found the figurine." You explained, whilst pointing at a tall, wooden shelf neatly stacked with different characters from various anime and manga.

"Woah." She blurted, gazing at the shelf before her with awestruck eyes.

You giggled at her reaction, as you lightly tapped on her shoulder, in an attempt to grab her attention. Almost instantly, she turned around to face you, with a worried look visible over her pale features.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. . . I just want to show you something else!"

With that exclamation, you urged for Tomoko to follow you further into the shop. You walked side to side with her, with a joyful smile present over your face. The day had been flowing calmly so far, and she seemed to be enjoying your time together.

You stopped in front of another shelf, this one being filled to the brim with all kinds of anime DVDs. Next to it, there was a stack of manga, though you decided to focus on the items before you.

"I was thinking that we could watch an anime together sometime." You spoke, while rubbing the back of your neck in a rather awkward manner.

"Really?!" She exclaimed, with her eyes widened at your statement.

"Yeah. . . I was actually planning on buying one with my birthday money today, so I thought it'd be nice if we could watch it together sometime." You took a brief pause, as you reached out for the anime you were looking for, and held it over her eyes, this allowing her to read the title.

"I'm, err, not sure if you like this genre, but. . ." You trailed off, as you carefully pointed at the word 'shoujo-ai' printed on the back of the DVD case.

Tomoko's cheeks became painted in a soft shade of red once reading those words, as she blurted out the first question that came to mind.

"Are you a lesbian?"

"Uh. . ." You chuckled nervously, whilst passing a hand through your (short/long) strands of hair. "I'm bi, actually, though I do lean more on that side."

"Oh. . ." Tomoko remained silent, her cheeks becoming redder as seconds passed. "That's cool, then."

After the slightly odd questioning, you both made your way to the payment counter close by, with the anime you selected held firmly in your grasp. You smiled at Tomoko when momentarily meeting with her gaze, as you couldn't avoid making the invitation right at this moment.

"Do you want to watch this next weekend? I have a DVD player in my room, and mum would be glad to receive a visit!"

"Sure. . . Sounds fun." The dark-haired girl mumbled, as she faced you with a small smile.

Having received her approval, you smiled brightly towards her, as she returned the smile in a more reserved manner. She patiently waited for you to finish paying the item, as you both spent the rest of the day together, mostly by exchanging some small talk, and grabbing a quick bite at a nearby food truck.

Can't Think Straight [Tomoko x Fem! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now