Castiel X Reader: Nephillm

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"Oh no. Nonononononono. This can't be happening." You looked at the pregnancy test again. Positive. You were pregnant. You rubbed your eyes and looked at the test again. Still positive. "How can this be happening? I can't be pregnant. It's going to be a Nephillm. An abomination according to Heaven. What is Cas gonna say!"

"Hey! Y/n? Is everything ok in there?" Dean asked through the door.

"Yeah just a minute!" You quickly threw the test away and opened the door. "What's up? You find a case?" You walked out of the bathroom and into the library.

"Um yeah, actually looks like a spirit. Hey, you feeling ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He looked at you doubtfully. "Seriously! I'm fine."

He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright. Alright." 

Time skip brought to you by: The Tears of Destiel Shippers

One month later:

"Hey Y/n? Are you ok?" You were currently vomiting from morning sickness. Stupid pregnancy side affects. The door opened and revealed a worried Cas.

"Peachy!" You yelled. He sat down beside you and held your hair and rubbed circles on your back. "Ugh. I hate this."

"Food poisoning? Another bad egg or burger?"

"More like morning sickness." You muttered under your breath. 

"Morning sickness?" You froze not knowing that he heard you. "Are you... pregnant?"

"Yes?" He bowed his head. "Are you mad, Wings?" Be lifted his head and on it was a huge smile.

"How could you expect disappointment from me? I'm having a child!" 

"But it's a Nephillm Cas! It's an abomination! The other Angels are going to either kill me or our child!"

"I don't care. I will protect you and our baby." He pulled you into a hug 

8 months later

PAIN. Insufferable pain. That's the only thing that could describe giving birth. It was probably worse than being in Hell.  Cas was with you the entire time telling you how great you were doing, every once and awhile he would put his fingers on your head and take away some of the pain but it never lasted. Sam and Dean were out in the halls looking out for any winged dicks that might have wanted to stop the party. "Almost there honey. You are doing great, Big push!" The nurse wouldn't shut up. You heard a small cry and the pain subsided. You looked down and saw a tiny little baby. You were officially a mother. "It's a girl!" You looked at Cas and he had the biggest grin on his face and he kissed you on the forehead. "You want to cut the chord Dad?" He took the scissors and snipped the weird colored chord. You let out an exasperated sigh and laid your head on the sweat-stained pillow. 

"Can I hold her?" You let out. 

"Of course, mom." She handed you a pink bundle. You looked down and saw a tiny baby. She had tiny black hair like Cas. 

"Celestiel. That is her name." You leaned back and felt a cold run down your spine. You closed your eyes and they never opened again.

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