Photo shoots (Destiel One-Shot)

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A/N: I know this isn't an imagine but I've seen this on Instagram and Pinterest. Castiel is a model (cos we all know that he can work it) and he falls for his photographer, Dean. It's really fast pace and choppy, cos I'm lazy af so yeah. Enjoy the cyanide ya bastards. Lots a love.

"Alright. A few more and then you can go Mr. Novak." Dean said. Cas looked at his photographer, Dean. /Damn,/ he thought /He's hot./ He looked at the camera, struck a pose, and smiled. Dean took a few more photos. "Alright. you're free to go! Mr. Novak." Dean smiled at him. 

"Thank you Dean." 

"My pleasure Mr. Novak." He shook Cas's hand. 

"Please, call me Cas." 

"Alright then, Cas thanks for coming in." 

"No problem," he smirked. "Hey would you like to go out sometime? For like coffee or, ya know, a beer or something?"

"I'd love that!" 

"Great! Here let me give you my number." He opened his bag and grabbed a scrap of paper and a pen. /Hells yeah./ Cas thought /I've gotta tell Crowley about this./ 

"And there ya go!" Said Dean.

"Thank you Dean." He took the piece of paper and left the set.

~time skip~ 

"WHAT?" Crowley, Cas's overworking agent, yelled, "You mean to tell me that you are in love with a co-worker?" He rolled his glacier blue eyes. 

"Crowley, he isn't a co- worker per se. He's- I don't know what he is, but I really hope that he likes me."

"My God, man, you sound like a 13 year old girl!" he huffed, "Fine, what every you say Cas."

"I'm gonna give him a call." Cas said. Cas got out his phone and the scrap of paper with Dean's number and called it. The tone rang for about five seconds and Cas was starting to worry that Dean wouldn't pick up. There was a click and a deep voice answered the phone. 

"Dean Winchester speaking." Dean said.

"Hey Dean, It's me, Cas. From work." Cas said nervously. He was never that good on the phone. Or in any social situation. But let's be honest, aren't we all?

"Oh right!" He said rather quickly. "So about that beer. How about I pick you up tonight at 6 o'clock?"

"That sounds great!" he sighed, not out of boredom, but because he was too caught up in Dean's masculine voice. 

"All alright Mr. Nov-," Dean stopped himself, "Sorry. Cas."

"That's quite alright, Dean. So I'll see you at 6 o'clock! Good bye Dean." he said dreamily, thinking about the night set before him.

~Time skip due to my laziness~

Dean walked to the large white door of Cas's house, Ready for the night, all planned thanks to the help of his friends Charlie, Benny, and his brother Sam. Go to The Roadhouse where they would get some dinner and a few drinks. He knocked on the door and heard a shuffling of footsteps behind the door. He stepped back to make it look like he wasn't too eager for the date. The door swung open to reveal a handsomely dressed Cas. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt that matched his eye color, with black pants, and a tan trench coat. His hair was slicked back and he had a five o'clock shadow on his face and he looked, well, hot. Really, really, hot. 

"Hey, Dean." Cas said. 

"You ready to go?" asked Dean. 

"Yep." Cas said has he closed the door and locked it. They walked to Dean's black 67' Impala and got in. Dean started the car and started to drive down the black asphalt.

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