Chapter five

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It's been four months and me and my dad are visiting home. It's been so much fun and we've been going to so many cool places. I haven't been sleeping very well but that's probably because of traveling so much and all the different time zones. Right now me and my dad are in the car driving back to my grandmothers house to surprise them and I just can't keep my eyes open.

" Angel you ok?" My dad asks

" Yeah I'm just really sleepy my stomach hurts a little to but I'll be fine I promise." I say

My dad goes against what I say and reaches over and puts his hand on my forehead.

" Angel your burning up. Are you sure your ok?" He says worried 

" Yes papa I'm fine. It's probably just from all the different time zones." I say curling up in the seat more

My dad doesn't say anything else for the rest of the drive. When we get there we just leave our bags in the car and we all go to the door and my dad knocks on the door. My grandmother comes over and opens the door and screams in excitement which makes me flinch a little as I also have a really bad headache.

" I can't believe y'all are home. Why didn't you tell me I would of made sure Cody was here?" She asks letting us come inside

" We wanted to surprise you." My dad says 

" Well you done a good job. Angel how are you? You haven't said anything yet." My grandmother asks me

" I'm ok I just don't feel good can I go lay down?" I ask

" Of course honey." She says

I nod my head as a response and me and Sandy go up to my room. 

" Everything ok?" My grandmother asks

" She said she's really tired and her stomach hurts. I felt her head in the car and she's burning up. You think it might be the flu?" My dad asks

"Has she been eating?" She asks

"Come to think of it she hasn't been eating a whole lot and she has thrown up quite a bit on the trip. Why you ask?" He asks

" Her mom was the same way before we found out she had cancer. You don't think Angel has it to?" She says worried

" It may be possible. We'll see how she is in the next few days then if she's not better we'll take her to the doctor." He says 

"I hope she's ok. I'd hate for her to have to go through that." She says

"Yeah I hope she's ok to. I just got her back I don't want to lose her." He says 

Everyone is freaking out and worrying about me being sick but I'm fine. Yes I haven't been eating much and I'm really tired but nothing is wrong. Hopefully Cody will agree with me. I'm sitting at the park waiting for him to get here. Sandy is having lots of fun rolling around in the grass. After a few minutes Cody walks over.

" Hey Angel." He says when he walks over

" Hey Cody." I say

He sits next to me on the bench

" You look different." He says looking at me

" What you mean?" I ask confused

" You look like you lost a lot of weight." He says

" You say that as it's a bad thing." I say

" Its not but when you left you were already skinny and now you just look like skin and bones. I'm just trying to make sure your ok." He says

" Why does everyone think something is wrong with me?! I said I'm fine so I'm fine!" I yell annoyed as I get up off the bench

" Angel I'm just trying to look out for you." He says

" Well I said I'm fine so you can stop worrying. Come on Sandy we're going home." I say walking away

I ignore Cody's calls for me to come back and keeps walking away. Not paying attention I walk into the road without looking to see if cars are coming and I almost get it. It scares me so much that a panic attack starts. I sit down on the ground trying to get my breath but I can't. I give Sandy the hand movement to go get help and she runs back to Cody. Everything is going dark and before I know it I pass out. A couple hours later I wake up in a hospital bed.

" What happened?" I ask groaning a little by the bright light

" When you went to go leave you almost got hit by a car and it caused a panic attack." Cody says

" Where's my dad and grandmother?" I ask as I look around and see them not here

" They're out in the hall talking to the doctor. They did some tests to see why you are so tired and to explain the huge weight lose." He says

" I told them I'm fine." I say

" Angel you can deny it all you want but you know your not fine." He says

" I know. I just don't want to accept the fact I could end up like my mom." I say

" What do you mean?" Cody asks

" My mom was the same way before we found out she had cancer. The doctors even said that it's common in kids so it'd make since if I had it to." I say tearing up

Cody goes to say something but the doctor comes in with my dad and grandmother.

" I have it don't I?" I ask looking over to the doctor crying

He goes to open his mouth to speak but just closes it and nods his head.

" Can I be alone?" I ask

" Angel.." My grandmother goes to say but I cut her off

" I just want to be alone with Sandy ok?!" I yell

Everyone leaves after they let Sandy in and she is on the bed with me. I curl up to her being careful of my iv cord and cries. I can't have leukemia. I just can't. I have to much to live for. I know by the doctors face it's pretty bad. I guess I'll be seeing my mom sooner than I thought.

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