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It's hard to pretend you love someone when you don't but it's harder to pretend that you don't love someone when you really do

Hayley woke up to the sound of people shouting outside and she looked around her before she got up and quickly ran outside.

"Please tell me they brought some shampoo!" Hayley heard a girl say as she looked up to the sky to see part of the ark falling out of the sky

Hayley bounced on her feet in excitement before she ran into the drop ship to get her stuff

She put on her jacket and grabbed a knife shoving it into her boot before she ran outside leaving Monty to sleep

Hayley ran through the woods jumping over rocks and branches to get to the pod quickly.


Hayley ran a little further until she found the pod by the time she found it the sun had come up.

A big smile spread across her face as she went to run forward when she saw Bellamy making his way back to camp leaving the pod and whatever was in it behind.

She cocked her head to the side in confusion but shrugged it off before running to the pod. She ran to it quickly opening the door to see the person taking there helmet off

"Raven?" Hayley gasped as she saw her best friend in the pod

"Hayley is that you?" Raven asked grabbing her head and slightly groaning in pain

Hayley was shoved aside when Clarke got into the pod not expecting to see a person in it.

"Oh my god!" Clarke gasped a smile growing on her face

"Hi, I made it?" Raven asked, both Clarke and Hayley nodded there head before helping her out

After Raven got out of her space suit she held her arms out in delight while she spun around and Hayley kept bouncing on her feet excitement overtaking her

Raven smiled at the girl before she held her arms out and Hayley ran up to her almost tackling her as they hugged

"I've missed you so much!" Hayley breath tears of joy falling from her eyes as she buried her face in Ravens hair

"Missed you too Hayley" Raven whispered before they pulled away

Clarke smiled at the girls before they heard Finn shout making everyone turn to face him.

"Raven!" He yelled running closer to her

"Finn!!" Raven yelled happily running up to her boyfriend to kiss him. Hayley smiled before she saw the look on Clarkes face

"Please tell me he didn't" Hayley begged already knowing what happened between Clarke and Finn. Clarke looked at her and saw the pleading look in her eyes and she sighed

"Nothing happened" Clarke said and Hayley gave her a look before running over to Raven who was now sat down on a rock

"Are you ok?" She asked and Raven smiled laughing lightly

"Ya I'm fine don't worry I couldn't be better right now" Raven said sincerely making Hayley smile even more.

Finn and Clarke walked back over to Raven and Finn gave her a cloth to put on her head

"Thanks" she smiled

"This is Clarke she was on the drop ship too" Finn explained and Clarke gave her a tight fake smile

"Wait Clarke? Well this was all because of your mom!" Raven explained standing up

"My mom?" Clarke asked

"This was all her plan, we were trying to come down here together. We waited- oh my god we couldn't wait because the council is voting wether to kill three hundred people to save air" Raven said and Hayley crossed her arms interested yet worried

"When?" Clarke asked worry lacing her features

"Today, we have to tell them you're alive!" Raven yelled running to the pod before opening the door again "the radios gone! It must've gotten loose during re entry!"

"No no this is my fault, someone got here before us we have to find him!" Clarke exclaimed and the four of them started running back to camp


Finally they had found Bellamy and Finn told Hayley to go back to camp

"What no!" Hayley yelled frustrated with everyone trying to protect her

"Hayley go!" Finn said raising his voice slightly and she scoffed before she started making her way back to camp

Hayley started walking back to camp when she came to a hill seeing a figure laying on the ground. She got closer to see it was Octavia

"Octavia!" She yelled running down the hill. She had gotten next to her figure and turned her on her back to see her head was bleeding

Hayley was about to try and wake her up when she was hit over the head with a rock and she fell to the ground unconscious

§»/at camp\«§

While everyone was working on the rockets to notify the ark they were alive Monty could t find Hayley anywhere

After they shot up the rockets everyone gathered with there friends, boyfriends and girlfriends to watch the rockets everyone cheering except for Monty

"Have you seen Hayley?" He asked random people and they all said no

"Clarke have you seen Hayley?" He asked and before she could answer Finn answered

"She isn't here? I told her to go back to camp" Finn said worry filling his body

"I can't find her anywhere" Monty explained freaking out slightly and Clarke put a hand on his shoulder

"Hey we'll find her ok?" Clarke said trying to calm him down and Monty nodded though his eyes still showed fear and worry

"Ya ok we'll find her" Monty said trying to convince himself it was true

It didn't work


Hope you enjoyed the chapter if you did please vote for it:) sorry it was this chapter was short

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