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And if you're ever feeling lonely look up at the moon someone somewhere is looking at it too.

The next day Bellamy and Clarke had already ordered everyone to do something, assigning people to there jobs before Clarke went to talk to the Ark, since Raven got in contact with them they are now able to talk to there families.

Monty, Jasper and Hayley were all put on food duty and at the moment they were packing nuts into bags for the rest of the camp, eating while they worked.

"What do you think they're gonna do with the grounder?" Jasper asked after a few minutes of silently crushing nuts

"I'd rather not think about it" Monty said looking up at the drop ship that Bellamy just exited

"It's been days since Bellamy captured him how long till his friends come knocking?" Jasper asked crushing more nuts

"Why are you thinking about this?" Hayley sighed looking up at her friend "it's not our problem"

"How can you say that he kidnapped you and Octavia!" Jasper argued and Hayley stayed silent before getting back to work and Jasper looked at Monty who shook his head

"Cheer up by the time his friends come we'll be dead from hypothermia" Monty said trying to ease the tension before hitting Jasper on the shoulder and throwing a nut at him in which Jasper caught and that's when Hayley decided to look up at them again

She looked up right when Jasper caught it and they smiled before going to high five but instead of high fiving each other they high fived themselves making Hayley laugh

"You guys are so weird!" She laughed and Monty threw a nut at her, she gasped smiling before throwing one back only for him to catch it in his mouth and he smirked at her making her roll her eyes

"You're a dork" Hayley said shaking her head making the boys smile

"You love us anyway" Jasper said throwing another nut into his mouth and Hayley shook her head again laughing.


After finishing there work the three walked away Monty going to his tent stumbling a few times and Jasper went walking around both of them had nuts

Hayley however was hiding every time someone walked by her she'd jump. Her whole body was filled with fear and her heart was beating fast

She set her eyes on Montys tent and when she was sure everyone was working she made a run for his and Jasper's tent

When she ran inside the tent she ran into Jasper making her scream and fall over before cowering away in fear

"Earth is scary!" Jasper said seemingly unfazed about what just happened

"Fresh air, trees, nuts. This is better then usual right? I'd like to give earth a giant hug!" Monty said falling back onto his bed as Jasper walked closer to him

"You're acting weird" Jasper pointed out

"I feel weird, but in a good way" Monty said before looking up at Jasper and winking

"I need to pee" Jasper said before going to leave the tent and Monty followed making Hayley move farther away tears prickling her eyes as flashs of memories went through her head

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