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Prompt: Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.


It was already too late when he realized that he had lost something very important to him. He didn't exactly know what he had lost but he knew that this was something very important. What he can't understand is how can he have lost this? After all he made sure every moment that everything was in place, he always made sure the doors were locked, the windows were shut tight and no one would be able to break into his home.
He paced around his tiny room with his fist curled into a tight ball. The man had been doing this ever since he realized he had lost something.

"Inty. Ohhh Inty. Inty." he chanted repeatedly like a prayer.

The man began frantically pounding on his palm when his chant seemed useless. He seems to be expecting that a gibberish chant would bring back this important thing, and now that every passing second his valuable was missing he turned more and more agitated.

"Inty. Inty. Inty. INTY." he chanted, the more he did the more his tone turned bitter.

The man suddenly stopped and began to rummage around his already chaotic room for the nth time. He feels like he could almost remember what is missing and the urge to look for it this instant grew stronger.

The first time he had searched, he almost turned his room completely upside down, literally flipping his furniture. All because he didn't know what it was that was missing.

He meticulously checked every crook and cranny of the small space he was confined in, not forgetting to check if the door of his room was locked every time he passed by it—going even as far as unlocking it then locking it again to make sure his eyes are not fooling him.

As he went over to his bed he walked by the full length mirror that stood right beside his dresser that was completely disheveled—with clothes disorganized and even a few clothing hanging on for dear life from its shelf. He caught glance of his reflection and slowly approached the mirror. The man barely recognized himself, his eyes were sunken and dark circles surrounded his seemingly bloodshot eyes. He lost weight too, his shirt that look like it hasn't been changed for days hanged loosely on his frame. His dark hair is a tangled mess on his head and he looked extremely sleepless.

"Inty. Inty. Inty." he began mumbling once again as he glanced at himself in the mirror and lost himself in a trance.

As he did so, something caught his attention; there behind his reflection was a written word on the wall. He turned around but nothing was written on the wall itself. The man then glanced forward again expecting that it was gone, but to his surprise it was still reflected there. The word was largely written in red, he carefully read the word and then utter disbelief and confusion washed over him. His mind immediately began to descend into chaos, a chaos even more worse than his room's state. The man slowly knelt on the floor as he began laughing and then crying. He finally knew what was missing and it was there written out for him.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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