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You woke up and looked at the clock with a long sigh forgetting you spent the night at Karma's place you lean up and look around

You: [ this isn't my room]

You look next to you and see Karma sleeping peacefully next to you you remember where you are and look at the lock again

You: [ 5: 24 it's early ]

You felt hands wrap around your waist you turn your head and see Karma with his head on your back

Karma: it's early go back to sleep

He kissed the back of your neck and layed back down with you in his arms like you were some teddy bear you quietly giggle and close your eyes again

Time skip

You wake up again and look at the clock making you widen your eyes

You:[ crap 11:45 we slept in!!]

Your shake Karma making him groggily open his eyes

You: c'mon wake up we sleep in!

Karma: can't we just skip today?

You: nuh uh get up

You jump out of bed and walk into the bathroom to change into your uniform you walk out and Karma was still in bed you shake him again making him turn to face you

You: c'mon we already slept half the day

Karma: just go to school without me

You whine and pull his arm

You: c'mon I'll do any thing

Karma: anything?

You: yes anything

He smirked and climbed out of bed you walk out the room so he can change you walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple you didn't even hear Karma walk out the room so he snaked his arm around your waist startling you almost making you drop your apple you turn to face his teasing smirk

You: are you ready or are you just tricking me?

Karma: I'm have to be ready your the one that forced me awake

You: then let's go

You peck his nose before walking out the door with him tailing behind you

Time skip

You walked into the classroom dragging Karma with you

Korosensie: ah Y/n Karma why are you late?

You: sorry this lazy ape didn't want to get up

Korosensie: I guess your exused for the little mishap yesterday you can take your seats now

Time skip

Nakamura: hey Y/n did you spend the night at Karma's place?

You: yea he didn't want me to leave so I spent the night

Nakamura: awww Karma doesn't want his girlfriend to leave him

Karma: so what? I didn't want her to leave it's not like we did anything

Nakamura: ......... wait so you guys are a thing?

You: against my will but yes

Karma: against your will? you said it yourself that you liked me

You: yea but you said you rat out on my secret

Karma: I didn't mean it tho

Nakamura: sure you didn't

They stick their tongue​s at eachother you laugh at their their silliness

Nakamura: hey Y/n me and Toka are going to the new candy shop after school wanna come?

You: sure a reason to be away from this ape

Karma: ouch Y/n that hurt you owe me for getting me up this morning you said you do anything

You: well when I get back just don't do anything stupid

Nakamura: Y/n your dating Karma

You blink then drop your head on the desk

You: I was so ready on getting him up I wasn't thinking

Karma: you said anything so you do anything

Nakamura: good luck Y/n

You: your just gonna let him kill me!!?

Two sadist (Karma x reader )Where stories live. Discover now