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Korosensie was taking you all on a field trip he even gave you field trip books that weigh like a thousand it's more of a dictionary to you he put you all in groups so it was you Karma, Nagisa, Tomohito, Yukiko, Kayano and Okuda once you all got to the train A-class were being A-class jerks until Miss Bitch came in wearing this weird get up like she was going on paparazzi but Karasuma made her change when you got on the train she was crying you found it funny

Tomohito: wait has anybody seen Korosensie?

You pointed to the window when you saw Korosensie out side

Nagisa: I don't mean to pry but is there a reason why your stuck to the window!?

Korosensie: uh it's alright I just stay here til the next stop

He went camouflage but his clothes and bookbag were still visible

Korosensie: nothing unusual just some random clothes and luggage on the side of a train

Nagisa: worst camouflage ever

Time skip

You were sleeping next to Yukiko until she woke you up

Yukiko: Y/n me Okuda and Kayano are heading for a drink wanna come

You: yeah sure

You got up and you started walking out the next bunker when Yukiko bumped into some guys

You: oh sorry about that my friends is a bit clumsy

You walk ahead with your hands in your pockets Yukiko made a quiet sorry but loud enough for them to hear you walk into the next bunker then order from one of the co
workers for a drink when you guys got back to the bunker Korosensie looked a mess you just smirked at him and drinked your strawberry milk

Time skip

You guys were walking around town all you were doing was listening to Kayano talk in about food then you guys went on to assassin

Tomohito: not to be that guy but I kinda wanna lay back on the whole assassination thing we're in Kyoto people what do any of these sights have to do with assassination

You honestly weren't listening you just watch Nagisa read the book with a straw in your mouth without actually listening to anything

Kayano: yay sugar!

You: hmm?

Karma: what? you mean this whole time you weren't listening to anything at all

You: nah not really

You walked into an ally way with Karma's chest pressed against  your back with his arms dangling off your shoulders you were almost there until thugs came into view you turned around and saw some behind you

You: I hope you don't take this the wrong way but something tells me you gentlemen aren't tourists

Thug: yea whatever just give us your lady-

Karma facepalmed him to the ground you smirked and cracked your knuckles

Karma: you see that what did I tell you without any witnesses it's basically a free
for all so go nuts

Nagisa: hey look

Another thug had a knife in his hand

Thug: I'm gonna cut you like a pig

You grab a blanket and toss it on his head then kick him in the nuts hard so hard he passed out

You: strong words for a guy kissing the sidewalk

Kayano: let go of me!!

You turn and see the girls being held by thugs you heard Karma get knocked down the you saw Okuda about to get slapped so you did the first thing that came to mind move in and take the blow and that's just what you did you fell to the floor but you got up and kicked one of them in the face but then an electronic shock caught you by surprise and boy did it hurt the next thing you know your being tied up and thrown into a truck

Yukiko: is Y/n okay?

Okuda: she took a few blows and the electric shock paralysed her but she should be okay

Kayano: I can't believe this is happening

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