Chapter 5

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A drink of water, a trip to the toilet, a meaningless, stalling tale about an event at school, and finally both kids were asleep. Warren sat next to Jen on the couch, a bowl of cheese and onion chips and a half drunk beer on the coffee table.

‘Don’t you want to look good for the tour?’ she said.


‘Chips after dinner. Is that really necessary? Your stomach is hanging over your jeans, you’ve got a muffin top. You’re starting to look like a sad old rock’n’roller.’

‘You can talk, fat ass. You’re just jealous because I haven’t put on a kilo since I was 22.’

‘It’s just been re-distributed, from your head to your gut.’

Warren took a handful of chips and munched loudly on them.

‘I’ve booked mum in for a couple of weekends while you’re away with The Voice, so that I can get a break.’

So you can fuck the Coach, Warren thought to himself. He shrugged his shoulders.

‘Juri told me to get these pills,’ Warren said, pulling out the packet of pills from his back pocket. ‘They’re to keep my weight steady, while I’m on the road.’

‘Where’d you get them?’

‘Some doctor he recommended.’

‘Are they legit?’ she reached out her hand and took the packet, turning the generic box over in her hand.

‘I guess so. You can have this packet if you want, I’ve got another one. The doc said to take one a day with food.’

‘One a day with food, huh? Breakfast?’


‘And it will keep my weight steady?’

‘That’s what he said.’

She fell for it hook, line and sinker.

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