Chapter 6

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She was teary in the first week. She weeped at the montage of the weather guy on the morning news program when it was his final show, she broke down when she couldn’t find the egg brush for the pasties and she completely flipped out over a tissue being left in the wash. ‘Do you think it’s these diet pills?’ she asked Warren, one night, unable to sleep. ‘I feel really grim. I’ve been a mess all week. I nearly cried at work yesterday. I feel unstable. Did the doctor say there’d be any side effects?’

‘He said it would settle down. Give it a couple of weeks. We’ll see the benefits soon.’

She began gorging herself in the evenings.

‘It won’t work if you eat more,’ Warren warned. ‘It’s only to keep your weight steady.’

‘Do you feel like this? Kind of down … like nothing’s any good?’

‘A bit.’

‘How come you’re sleeping the same? Some nights I can’t sleep at all, and others I’m out like a light, and I can hardly wake up.’

'I don’t know. Maybe it’s got more of an effect on you. I’ve got more weight to absorb it.’

On the Saturday afternoon she asked Warren to take Ethan to football. ‘How come?’ Warren asked, not anticipating that the antidote would have worked so quickly.

‘I just don’t feel like it, all right? Can’t you just bloody do something for once without a hundred questions?’

‘Okay, okay.’

At the football he stood near the Coach on the sidelines, imagining himself as an intimidating figure, putting the Coach off his game.

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