Chapter 8: Halloween and Forgiveness

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"I'm tellin' ya Bri," Walt Flannigan said, drinking sloshing dangerously in his hands. "That gal is fantastic. She knows what's what."

"You act like I don't know this already Walt," Brian smiled, trying to hide the sadness on his face. "She's my friend, ya know."

"She our friend," Bryan Johnson shook his head from his perch at the bar. "That girly is something else entirely. She should be a guest on the show more often."

"Ming said we should put her on as a regular now," Walt chuckled, barely audible over the music. "Swear that dude's in love with her."

"She's too good for him," Bryan said, shaking his head so his beard swung back and forth.

"Know what she's comin' as tonight?" Brian asked, nonchalantly swirling his Jameson in his hand.

"Picked up her costume from the shop this afternoon," Walt nodded, tipping his drink back.

"That late?"

"Ordered it last minute," Walt shrugged. "I put a rush on it for her."

"What is she?"

"I've been sworn to secrecy."

"Oh, c'mon dude," Brian said, fully turning to his friend and cohost.

"Not my place," Walt held up his hands, backing away from the bar. "You'll see her when you see her. Flash out!" Walt's red and yellow costume vanished into the crowd that was dancing behind them and Brian turned to the remaining member of the TESD crew.

"I still can't believe you didn't dress up."

"I'm hosting, I don't have to dress up."

"I'm pretty sure you do."

"Have you talked to Cece since you've been back?" Brian blinked, forcing it to seem like he was unprepared for the sudden change in conversation.

"Not much. Why?"

"She was off the past weeks since you've been gone," Bryan sighed, running his hand over his beard. "Like she acted fine, but there was just something that didn't really sit right with me."

"I'll ask her tonight, but she didn't mention anything."

"Alright. Get going buddy. I've gotta go make sure Ming doesn't bother the DJ too much now."

"See ya man," Brian chuckled and patted his friend on the back. He wove his way over to the table in the back where Sal, Joe, and Murray were all seated as the three other members of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He felt a sense of guilt tugging in his gut as he saw them all bent close together and speaking; he debated whether or not to go find someone else to speak to before Sal caught his eye and nodded at him. Sighing and disappointed he couldn't avoid this confrontation, he nodded back and went to join the group. The group broke apart as Brian approached, confirming his suspicions that he had been the topic of conversation. Brian slid into the chair next to Sal who was checking his phone and nodded across the table at Murray.

"How you been buddy?" Murray slid his elbows on to the table. "We didn't really get a chance to chat today."

"Yeah, filming was nuts. What a way to jump back into it."

"How was training? You look like it was tough."

"It wasn't bad," Brian shrugged. "Felt nice to be back, but I don't want to do it again soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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