Chapter 3

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-(y/n)'s POV-

The four boys looked at me and laughed more. One fell over holding his gut and the red haired one looked at me still laughing.

Red head: Don't you know the renaissance fair is next month? Get out of here loser, this doesn't concern you.

(y/n): Oh your gonna die first... well now it does, leave now and you will only leave with a few broken bones.

I watch as they stopped laughing and the three boys got up an circled me as the first red head. Just sat there staring at me.

Red head: So you think you can take us on by yourself? How do you think you are?

(y/n): My name is (y/n) (l/n)...I am the last protector to the kingdom of Arragonia, and a guardian of the innocent. So I repeat myself one more time.

Let. Her. Go...

I walked closer with each word. The red head frowned and let go of the girl's eats and stands up looking back into my silver eyes. The red head then grabbed me by my neck and lifted me into the air and tossed me into a wall everyone gasped but I got back up whipping off some dust from my shoulder.

Velvet: (y/n)!

i started walking back to the group then ran and tackled the red headed onto a table making it break. I stood over him but a green haired boy grabbed me from behind locking my arms. He turned me so a blue haired brat tried to punch me. I jump up leaning back on the green haired kid, kicking the blue haired in the face making him fly through a window. I landed back on my feet but get punched by a brown haired kid. I lean forward flipping the green haired boy over me and into the brown haired one.I kick them both away through another window.

Yellow haired girl: DUCK!!!

I didn't hear her fast enough as I was punched back down to the ground. The red haired asshole got on my waist and began to punch me. I held my arms up close to my face blocking some punches. He hit my side were my claw mark was making the wound reopen. I yelled a bit but gridded my teeth and grabbed flipped us so I was on top now and began to punch back getting a few good hits in before he kicked me off him and into a table. I open my eyes seeing a girl with black and red hair along with silver eyes.

Girl: uh... hi?

(y/n): Hi... pardon me.

I put my hands over my head then lift my legs and jump back onto my feet. I run back at the red headed asshole, as he throws a right hook I stop and lean back so he misses. I grab his wrist, then punch his elbow making a loud crack sound braking it, also making it bend in the other way. I twist his arm away so he falls to his knee, I grab his head and pull it down bringing my knee into his jaw making it shatter. I let him go so he collapse onto the ground. I pant heavily looking down at the asshole, but feeling unsatisfied I grab the back of his collar and drag him back to where velvet was, and lift him so he looks at her.

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