Oblivious Crush X Reader: "Are you sick?"

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   A sigh of relief escaped my lips when I ran to the lunch room, exited to finally devour something, especially since I had skipped breakfast since I was in a hurry to get on the bus.

   "Hey Y/n! Over here!" My favorite person ever shouted across the lunchroom, signaling for me to sit next to him. I shyly walk over to him, slightly embarrassed from the attention I got because of C/N's rash decisions, but I couldn't get mad at my cinnamon roll friend!

   He ruffled my hair when I sat down next to him, smiling like an idiot.

   "What's up?"

   "Nothing much, just dying to get some food in my belly!" I smiled back at him, my face tinting a light pink when my stomach grumbled a loud roar.

   I looked over into my school bag, only to realize I was in such a hurry to get to school, I had forgotten my lunch bag at home. I died a little inside when I turned back to C/n, leaning my head down on the table.

   "Just kill me now..." I jokingly over reacted as I slowly sat up.

   "You know, I accidentally made some extra food, wan-" I cut off C/n, knowing what he was going to say.

   "Yes!" I nodded my head excitedly as he took out his boxed lunch, opening it and revealing rice, small slices of steak, and what I presumed to be strawberry cheesecake.

   I started drooling at the sight of all the scrumptious food.

   "I hope you like it, I made it myself." C/n smiled lightly, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

   After he handed me a fork, I started digging in, eating almost all the food, C/n joining in with me.

   He smiled at me when we finished the food and only had the cake left.

   "I'm sorry, I only have one spoon I guess..." he paused, and started to think. He picked up the spoon, took a small piece of the cake onto the spoon, and started bringing it to my mouth. I hesitantly opened my mouth, my face blushing lightly once again.   

   After he fed me some cake and he ate some cake himself, we started talking.

   Not even three minutes into the conversation, he realizes that there was a small chunk of cake left on my cheek from when we started playing around with the food. He pointed it out, causing me to attempt to remove it out of embarrassment. When I failed to do so, C/n giggled and leaned in to me, licking my cheek and what I assumed to be the cake as well. My face turned a dark shade of scarlet when he did so, causing me to stumble and fall out of my seat.

   "Hey Y/n, are you sick? Your face is awfully red, and you're burning up." He says this, genuine worry filling his kind and gentle voice.

   "I-I'm a-a-alright..." I stuttered since I was incredibly flustered.

   "I-I'm just g-gonna go to t-the ladies room t-to b-blush- I m-mean wash m-my f-face." I quickly ran off, hiding my face by looking down, causing me to run into a wall every now and then. When I reached the bathroom, I splashed ice cold water on my face, calming the redness of my face down to a rosy pink.

   "That boy is a danger to my heart...." I signed as I walked back over to the lunch table.

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