Chapter 14: Should We Even Bother?

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I crashed on the couch the moment we got home. LuLACk groaned and fell down beside me. The days glory was short lived. They may have taken out so many assassins at once today but they were exhausted.
I decided to let my mind wander to other places.; specifically to that Michael kid. Now that I thought about it I could have sworn I had seen him from somewhere, but I didn’t know where.
Looking back I had a shocking revelation. He was from Regi.
V: Hey Lu? Remember that Michael kid?
L: Yes? I remember him. He has a thing for you.
I opened my mouth to object but she stopped me cold in my tracks.
L: And you like him. There is no denying it. I mean why else would he give you his number?
V: he gave us his number. US.
L: he was looking at you the entire time, and you blushed when he walked away. That’s not liking each other?
V: n-no? Well anyways he's from the high school we saved. And then he saw us at Improbable escape.
L: I know.
I looked down. Standing up I went and grabbed my laptop and looked at more times. With a sigh I show LuLACk. In 2 days time we had another sniper a group of 8 and a solo man. 3 more jobs this was going to be fun.
The loner was downtown at the city hall.  The group was heading toward a very important house (Which at the moment I forgot the name of). And the sniper was going to the Queens University District.
With a groan of exasperation she looked at me with pleading eyes. It was the look of should we even bother.
V: If we don’t do this, innocent people are going to die.
L: I  know.
We moved to get ready. And all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Even though it was going to be an easy mission and an was in 2 days we just wanted to be done with this job. Though on our assassination resume 50 trained assassins dead looked really damn good. Opening jobs for a better number of people.
We sat down in front of the little ice cream shop and waited. The man at city hall was first. LuLACk, it was going to be distracting him while I snapped his neck from behind.
They saw the man walk past them and with a smile LuLACk slipped in beside him and tripped. The area was secluded. He crouched down to help LuLACk up and this is when I stepped out from behind.
Tapping him on the shoulder he turned around. Before he could react to me, I grabbed him by the neck and twisted. With a satisfying crack he fell limp to the floor. He was dead.
With this we just turned and walked away. Next one to go would be the sniper.
LuLACk sat with her eye in the scopes. She could easily see when the woman arrived and set up her weapon.
I watched the scene with my binoculars, once the gun flashed she took her shot. I nearly laughed as the assassin fell off the roof and to the concrete below.
She was quick and easy to take out.
There was a scream from bellow. We ran to the edge of the roof and saw a woman with her child staring in horror of the broken woman laying on the ground with a glistening pool of crimson liquid surrounding her like a painting.
Grabbing Lu under the arms I took off into the sky. My wings made a general swishing sound and I could feel Lu's tail brush against my leg. These jobs were to easy.
The one I wasn’t particularly ready for was looming up.
We enter the closet in the Belview (There we go. I remembered the name) and I swore.
V: I swear to god that I put the back pack here. Its not here.
L: I saw you put it here. Where the hell did it get put?
V: Guess we're going bare knuckle fighting.
They may of had guns and knives and other beautiful stuff. We had nothing. Improvisation would be fairly fun.
Leaving the closet we ran right into one of the assassins. The room was full of people. Apparently they didn’t care. The man I ran into swung around with a knife and I blocked it.
Slamming my palm into his face he held on tightly to his grip on the knife. He swung around again and got me in the check. Cursing I was about to swing when he fell to the floor dead, LuLACk had hit him in the head with a fire poker.
The next 7 turned around and attacked us. We fought hard. Lulack threw me another poker which came in handy for turning quick and whacking the head of a man almost off his head.
6 left.
LuLACk growled as woman stabbed her in the arm. She knocked the woman to the ground and slammed her head on the ground until the back of her head caved in.
I screamed as the assassin laughed. These guys were worse then the ones we had previously faced. He beat me to the ground but I tackled him. He hit his head off the table and fell silent.
4 left.
Grabbing the guns from the downed assassins we took out the last of the men.
The people who witnessed the entire thing stood in shock. A few of them had their phones out and I swore to myself. Grabbing Lu we ran for the exit. The cops already running up the front lawn.
I had no choice. I jumped up and in plain view of everybody in and around the house I took flight with Lu in my arms. Pictures were snapped and I groaned.
V: This isn't good for us. I'm sorry we had no other way.
L: Its fine. They'll probably connect us to the deaths of the other assassins and let us off. But for now, we need to stay away from the cops.
We walked into the living room of the hotel as the notification for skype rang in the distance.
Turning it on Maximum Rides face appeared and she was angry.
V: Before you speak. It was the only way we could get away. Me showing my wings.
M: You didn’t tell me YOU were the Winged Assassin.
V: N-No? I didn't tell because I didn't know what you would have to say.
M: you didn’t know what I would say? You came from the same school I did and your younger than me by 4 years. I'd like to keep tabs on you.
V: I'm 17 and I'm a contracted killer. What is there to say to you? I earn good money from my job and I have a relatively stable life. What more could I ask for being the world’s youngest assassin?
M: It’s a very risky job. You know this right?
V: Yes I do. It also mean I have better knowledge in weapons and killing people which means I can protect myself. And I’ve got LuLACk with me so all is good.
M: you dragged LuLACk into this?
V: she can leave any time she wants to. I ask for her help and when she does I give her half my cut.
M: What do you usually make in a month?
V: Depending on how many jobs I do and what they offer me? Between 70-100 thousand a month. For small jobs. For the job I’m doing right now, which is a month long process already. I know I’m looking at 4 million for the 2 of us. 2 million each.
She did a spit take at the number and I chuckled. Talking for a little while longer we said our goodbyes and turned off the Skype call.
Moments later another call was made. 
Answering it the screen was black. And a message played through.
“You have been killing my associates left and right and I don’t like that much.  There is 20 left in the clan left. And we will all be waiting for you at the old train station. You know the one with the restaurant? We are all going to end this one way or another. All I know is that death is immanent for some. You have 24 hours to decided or we leave the country and you never find us again.”

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