Chapter 6- Ember Celicia & Gambol Shroud

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Yang rushed somehow getting her robotic arm to perfectly match Ember Celicia though she only used one hand and spray paint. She put her robotic arm back on first before sliding on Ember Celicia. Today was the day she would begin her journey, Ember Celicia on her arms and Bumblebee not to far behind her. She smiled happily at the thought of finally catching up to Blake.

Blake looked at Sun awkwardly as she sipped her tea. She had Gambol Shroud in her lap resisting her conscience who wanted to stab him about now. Something in her mind could believe Sun would do something like this, he was a caring guy. Her eyes caught him and he smiled cheesily. Also annoying, she couldn't forget about that downfall to Sun. She inhaled a sharp breath and shook her head in disapproval at him.

"There's a reason I ran and it wasn't for you to follow me here." Blake said almost with a hiss threatning to slap the monkey faunus' cheek.

Sun smiled brightly scratching the back of his neck. "Well I thought you would need some help to take out the White Fang. You can't always go solo Blake."

Blake was glad her parents weren't in the room, but if Ghira just saw the backhand she gave Sun he would've smirked proudly.

Yang smiled a little testing out the arm a bit before looking down with a sigh.

"Blake, I'm going solo, this is more of a one person mission." She whispered quietly as she sat on Bumblebee's soft leather seat, not yet worn from the few times she's rode it.

She adjusted herself on the seat herself and her butt satisfied. She revved the engine after putting in the key.

"My baby." Yang almost purred with engine pulling on her helmet the purring of the engine ironically reminding her of Blake.

Blake looked at the blonde haired boy and stood from the table. She knew that the slap had to hurt and she knew that it had to get her point across to him. Well more like hoping for the latter, sometimes Sun didn't perceive things like she thought he would and this was a common occurrence with others as well.

"Sun how important was it to you to find me?" Blake asked him in a monotone voice her ears twitching a bit as she heard the whisper from Yang wanting to handle Sun first before giving a response.

"I would say on a scale of food to life that the power of love and friendship triumphs over all." Sun said smiling as if nothing life threatening will happen at all.

"How can you joke at a moment like this?" Blake questioned seriously thinking that someone may have introduced him to a new drug she didn't know of.

"I just want to see a smile on that kitty cat's face. I understand being serious but there was partial truth in that power of friendship I was talking about." Sun stated.

Yang began to drive her motorcycle after yelling out a quick goodbye to Tai. Tai rushed outside to see his daughter off smiling softly.

"You'll do great out there. Be safe little sun dragon!" He yelled out running a hand through his hair watching her drive off.

Yang drove knowing it would definitely be a journey, would it be a long one, well if Blake was involved she believed so. Noticing the voice had not answered yet she whispered again.

"Blake. I'm coming for you, I'll find you." Yang whispered quietly and caringly the wind whipping her hair that was free from the helmet.

She drank in the scenery her lips slightly quirking up in a way that could be considered a smile. It reminded her of why she said she wanted to be a huntress. She was a thrill-seeking person, she obviously enjoyed the danger. She would admit that how frightened she was at the beginning seemed minute now but it still lingered in the back of her head. Right now her purpose was to focus on her goal and make it there.

She had to if she wanted to see the raven haired faunus and yell at her possibly with a slap to go along with it. She giggled softly at her own thoughts, she of course would then apologize, she loved the cat faunus to much to leave her broken. Not to mention she had to show her the new robotic arm Yang thought Blake had to be glad about that news.

Blake heard the whisper again sitting outside away from Sun as she cleaned Gambol Shroud. It just seems that around this time she never had time to care for her weapon she could only think of survival. She lifted her weapon the sun reflecting off the now polished blade. It somehow remained as sharp as it was at the beginning of Beacon.

"That's great. I'm so happy I'll see you soon, but do you know where I am?" Blake questioned starting to feel eyes on her but she couldn't tell from where.

Yang hummed a song she always used to hear at Junior's Bar back in Vale. She heard the whisper eventually and chuckled not wanting to say just in case it was Blake and it made her angry. A little monkey boy let me know where he was heading and I just decided to follow, although late.

"Don't worry about it. I've got a good guess." Yang whispered quietly as she drove.

They both knew that they would have an adventure ahead of them. And if you focused hard enough you could hear the sound of Sun being slapped once again in the distance.
Vote if you like. I know it took me forever but I'm busy with testing and stuff but hey it's over 900 words. Thanks people who have stuck with me this long to be honest when I first wrote this is was only supposed to be two chapters but when I saw that I could still keep it going that's what I did. So later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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