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veronica lodge created a group with betty cooper and 3 others.

veronica lodge set the name of the chat to 'the gang👀'

veronica lodge set her nickname to 'ronnie👑'

betty cooper: hey!!

archie andrews: hi?

betty cooper set her nickname to 'betts💓'

betts💓 added kevin keller

betts💓 set kevin keller's nickname to 'kev💁🏻'

jughead jones: ugh why am i in this?

jughead jones: why are you making me socialise?????

kev💁🏻: bc jughead, ur a loner and u need some practise with ppl in general

cheryl blossom: tru ^

cheryl blossom set her nickname to 'cheryl bombshell😘'

cheryl bombshell😘: better.

jughead jones: again, why am i here?

jughead jones: but then again, why is anyone here?

jughead jones: why do we exist?

jughead jones: why ar-

archie andrews: jughead. shut up.

jughead jones: wait how did you just cut me off? this is a group chat

betts💓: ummm

archie andrews: bc i am awesome

archie andrews: and

archie andrews: i AM SPIDER MAN

ronnie👑: in your dreams archiekins🙃

ronnie👑 set archie andrews nickname to 'archiekins'

archiekins: really?

kev💁🏻: don't you have enough on your plate archie?

kev💁🏻: you know, with this whole troy bolton thing you're trying

archiekins: hey!! i like music AND football. that does not mean i am a pre puberty zach efron.

archiekins: although, he's kinda hot now......

cheryl bombshell😘: ^^ translation: my heads in the game but my hearts in the song

betts💓: i thought you were straight arch?????

archiekins: wait did i actually send that?

kev💁🏻: yes you did.

jughead jones: archiekins there's nothing to be ashamed of ;)

archiekins: but i-

cheryl bombshell😘: i never knew troy bolton was gay??

archiekins: you know what? fuck you all!!!!!!!!

archiekins: i. am. not. troy. bolton.

ronnie👑: *gets popcorn*

betts💓: guys...

kev💁🏻: yes. you. are.

archiekins: just you guys wait and see, i'll do this whole football and music thing without being as cliche as troy bolton.

riverdale group chatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz