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juggie: hey

betts💓: for someone who doesn't like people you use this chat quite a lot?¿

kev💁🏻: tru

juggie: i just wanted to make you all aware it's my birthday on friday.

(pretend jughead likes his birthday soz)

ronnie👑: we need to have a party!

ronnie👑: i wanna see you drunk

juggie: no! i was just making you aware so you'd all buy me a burger

juggie: no party, no peOPLE

archiekins: aw come on!

cheryl bombshell😘: ^ i'll bring the drink ;)

betts💓: yeah jug! you've got to have a party

juggie: no no no no no no no no no no

ronnie👑: ....

ronnie👑: WAIT

archiekins: WHAT

ronnie👑: you know how i got those magnolia cupcakes flown in from new york for betty?

kev💁🏻: yeah, that was cute xox

juggie: where is this going?

ronnie👑: well....

ronnie👑: what if i get a BURGER CAKE

archiekins: that's a pretty sick idea

ronnie👑: BURGER CAKE

juggie: hmm

betts💓: you can't say no to that! come on!!!1!!!1!1!!!


cheryl bombshell😘: wtf are you betty?

ronnie👑: she's adorable

ronnie👑: so what do you say jughead?



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