Chapter 4

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One whole week passed, one 'whole week' of me living with him. He haven't hurt me ever since last time he choked me, which left a huge bluish purple bruise on my neck but thank god it's better now. When anyone asked why I was wearing a scarf, I'd just tell them it was a love bite, yeah as if.

And also I haven't been eating at all, just to lose weight, I also have been working out all day and all night. But Zayn doesn't know, and I don't wanna know what will he think if he knew.

I was working out in the gym. It was in the basement, really huge though. I really loved working out with music, so I was listening to Towers by Little Mix, I felt like this song explained how I felt towards Zayn. Well of course, not exactly but almost.

I was running, jumping and stretching, when I fell, "Owe! Fuck, I twisted it." I pout. I lie down, "Owe..shit! It hurts so bad." I place a my hand over my ankel. I started feeling everything go fuzzy. I wasn't able to breathe properly.

"Cara, quick! We have a meeting wit-" Zayn was cut off when he saw me. "Cara!" He yelled. His voice was fading, second by second. Slowly, my eyes closed.



"Cara, what happened to you?" Zayn asks. "You're so thin." He claims.

'Took you so long enough to notice.' I rolled my eye. "Yes, I have been dieting." I answer him. "No, this is not dieting, this is starving yourself to death. Have you been eating anything lately?" I shook my head. "Why? Are you trying to kill yourself?" He screams.

"Well, I just thought that I was fat and I needed-" Zayn stopped me. "You did this because a 'hater' told you, you were fat?" Zayn said disgusted. "I-I-" I wasn't able to form words.

He looked annoyed, As If he cared. "Anyways, I got a doctor to check on you and she told me you need to eat and that you're ankel is perfectly fine. Also I shifted our meeting with Ellen." Zayn updated with latest news. "To when?" I ask. "Right now. So get up and get dressed." He commanded. I got up and stared in my mirror, why is he doing this to me? He's so bipolar.

I walked in my closet and threw on whatever in there, I really didn't care. I just wanted to go see what Ellen wanted.



"Hello! How has my favorite couple been doing?" Ellen greeted with a great smile drawn on her face. "Good." I lie. "Not true, she is listening to haters and today she fainted." Zayn spilled the truth, in a uncareing tone. "You what?" She screamed. "You might die." She lectured. "I'm sorry." I mumble look at me feet. "Dear, you must never listen to them; they will never like you no matter what you do! But don't ever do what you did again." She warned me and I nodded.

'I can't fucking believe Zayn tattled on me!? What's fucking wrong with him?'

"Well, now I have some good news," A wide smile spreads all over her face. "All media sources are believing your relationship!" She squeaks, clapping her hand. "And that's good, right?" I ask. "Yes, of course. But we need to make it even more believable," She says.

I was really starting to get worried of what's she is about to say next. "So what do you want us to do?" Zayn pops out of now where. "You need to travel together, maybe you could bring your friends and introduce her to them. It will be a great boost for your images." Ellen explains. "No way!" Zayn screams. "I'm not taking 'her' to 'my' friends." Zayn shouts. "And I'm not gonna travel with 'him' to meet his dorky friends." I mimick him. He gave me a death glare.

"Guys, what is this? You must work as a team." Ellen lectures us. "Whatever." Zayn mumbles.



"If you ever think about telling one single soul about this, you're gonna die." Zayn threats me. "I'm not in the mood for this." I was walking away, when Zayn grasped on my arm, I let out a wince. "Don't you dare walk away when I am talking to you!" He shouted. "Let go!" I squirm around, he grip is so fucking tight. Before I could do another action a slap was sent to my face, making me stop moving. I was shocked, how could he ever do that?

Tears pricked my eyes and I finally got my arm out of Zayn's grasp. I ran to my room.

"I can't live like this anymore." I sob hopelessly on my bed's pillow.

And soon my vision was so blurry from all the tears, and that was the last thing I remembered before I fell in a deep sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be one fucking hard day.


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