Chapt 32

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Ya probally forgot about this book LMAO

Chris pov

"Damn I miss you" Next thing I knew, tears were streaming down my face.

"I...I miss you too" She said lowly. "I'm sorry about everythi-"

"Its not your fault Chris. I left. I'm the reason why Alana is the way she is today. Its my fault."

"Thats part of the reason I called. I know what happened"

There was silence. "....What do you mean?" She tried to act confused.

"I'm not stupid Karin. Trinity told me what happened and you could've atleast told me. I'm still Alana's father and I wasn't there to protect her and now I have to live with the fact that I wasn't there to protect my baby when she was almost raped by some nigga!" I hit the car wheel.

"Well I was hurt that you hid a big thing like RAPING A LITTLE ASS GIRL and I didn't want to speak to you. And if thats selfish I don't fuckin care cause I didn't want my child around a fuckin rapist." She sounded so heartless, it's crazy.

"Thats still my blood and I wasn't able to protect her and maybe thats why her ass don't even like yo ass no more!" She's wildlin out if she think she gon talk to me like that.

She must've forgot who the fuck I was.

"...Nigga you don't even know what the fuck is going on tryna act like you know shit! Go somewhere with that shit" She scoffed.

"Where you at? I need to see my daughter" "It isn't that simple"

"Yo Karin what the fuck?! What the fuck is your problem?! I changed from the little ass boy I was YEARS ago! You being a bitch for no fuckin reason! I haven't seen my daughter and I just need to see her! Is that too much to ask?!" I yelled frustrated into the phone.

"Bye Christopher" She hung up.

"Fuckin bitch!" I slammed my hand onto the sterring wheel.

This isn't the girl I talked about marriage with. Or having my kids.

I girl I love would let me see my daughter no matter what.

I miss Alana like crazy. Karin too. But she needs to let me in so I can show her how much I changed.

I guess thats what happens when you've been hurt so many times.

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