To Smart To trust

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Emilys POV:

My heart starts pounding fast. I can't take this.

X: Clam down love.

Emily: This is not possible it can't be.

Derek: Open your eyes sweet heart. You should have known.

Joeys POV:

I run to the police station. They research all of their data and records. 

Police: Mr.Graceffa we have filed a report you are free to go

Joey: That is all?

Police: Sorry.

We walk out the building. I get a text message. It was a blocked number. It read, "If you ever want to see Emily alive again I suggest you go home I will kill her if you do not do so" I read the text to the group.

Sawyer: Joey we can't risk it.

Joey: Are you kidding me?

Sawyer: We all love Emily but we don't want to hurt her trying to help.

Joey: You guys go home I am staying at a hotel here.

Tyler: Joey watch yourself. Don't hurt her.

Joey: I won't.

Whitney: Good luck.

Luke: Ya good luck. 

They all get in a taxi and go to the airport. I find the nearest hotel. I check in an got ot my room. They have a computer here. I research Derek. I want to know about this guy. I will stay here untill I get my Emly back. I swear by it.

Emilys POV:

Emily: What do you want from me?

X: Everything. I need you in my life.

Emily: How is this possible? How are you here?

Derek: Never trust anybody with smarts Emily.

Emily: Eric you were shot in the head how is this possible?

Eric: Well Derek is a doctor. You should know that.

Emily: How did you do this? This plan!

Eric: Well I was shot in the head. 

Derek: He was not awake. I was dressed as a peremdic and I put a dumy in the body bag. I dragged Eric to the L.A. hospital. I just started working there. I did surgery on him and saved him. The dumy was a doll that doctosr use to practice. So it seemed like a real person when they barried him. Brent is dead don't worry about that. 

Emily: I thought you were a good person Derek.

Derek: Listen, my brother was upset whenyou left. I had to comfort him.

Eric: So I made him promise he would get you back to me. We thought we had Luke and Whitney but they bailed. It hurt the plain but did not kill it. 

Emily: So what are you going to do now? Make me love you? That won't work Joey will save me.

Derek: That is where you are wrong.

Emily: What did you do?

Eric: We threatened him. We told him to leave or else you were dead.

Emily: Eric I don't love you.

Eric: All you need is some time dear.

Derek: Listen, if you want Joey to stay alive I suggest you love him. 

Eric: Coem on lets go back to my apartment.

He grabs my hand and takes me upstairs. He closes the door.

Eric: I missed you so much!

He kisses me.

Eric: Listen, things are going to be different I rpomise. No more yelling or screaming.

Emily: We are really starting over? You think I can just put everything behind us?

Eric: I don't think I know. 

He takes my ring and puts on the old one. I hated that stupid ring. The one little diamond dug into my finger. It was dull and I hated it. I hated the person who gave it to me even more. He threew the other one on the ground. He locked the doors.

Eric: Rememeber you try to escape and Joey is dead meat. I am going to go make dinner love!

He kisses my cheek and I cringe. He goes into the kitchen. I grab my ring off the floor. I put it in my pocket it for luck. I sat on the couch. I tried to pretend everything is going to be alright. I knew that it was a lie n my head. Things were not going to end well. I hated this so much. I wanted to scream but I don't want to endanger Joey. Eric listened to the radio. 1,000 years came on. It reminded me of Joey. I missed him. His smile his eyes. How he repeated the joke well he laughed. How he clapped his hands in the beginning of a video. How he made may the odds be ever in your favr his little thing. The adding of anya to every word. I miss all the #joeily edits all the nice comments that went with them. The little love notes that Joey would leave on the fridge. He would always grab my hand when he had the chance. He would also cuddle with me every single night. Even when we were mad at one another. I missed his horrible grammar and terrible tweeting skills. I missed the weird selfies and all the crazy hair days he would have. He would have chicken with everything. I will never forget the time he made a smoothie and it went all over him. He just had to post a picture. Most importantly I loved the way he loved. He made me feel like the only girl in the world. I gave up on love due to the monster that is Eric and he taught me the right way to love. He built me up whenever I was down. He told me to follow my dreams. He gave me a reason to wake up every morning. At this point I was in tears he is gone and out of my life and now I am stuck with this dark cloud by the name of Eric. All these things I never felt with Eric. I hated Eric and hate is a strong word for me. I just want to get out of this dark place. I want to return to the sunshine that is Joey Graceffa

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