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Hey guys! Wow it has been such a long time since I did these huh?... life have been really busy lately and I didn't really have the time to do anything much really. But first off, I want to hope that everything is okay with you guys and that you are having a good day or had a good day and will have a better one tomorrow c:
First off, school has been hectic and going to take the ACT soon so that means I have to start taking practice tests :/ along with people have been really... crazy. Or just really. Annoying. Like I can be anti social and the real people who I want to hang out with are through the screen which hurts, but soon I will see those friends ❤️ and have to take my wisdom teeth taken out so that is always fun .-.
Everything is okay with my spiritual self. Meditation helped me a lot along with listening to music and talking with my friends. Also decorated my small altar a little bit cx Here's a picture

 Also decorated my small altar a little bit cx Here's a picture

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And everything else was pretty okay as well. Don't care for the heat too much though :/ but it's closer to summer vacation!!!
Experienced a lot of mental shifts and phantom shifts. But most were triggered by the scents of Patchouli, cinnamon, and the earth incense along with hearing canine's growl. And the pack family has grown some which I am happy about and we do have an amino if you want to go and check us out c: we are new in it, but it's nice so far ^_^
I hope to come back sometime this week when I have the time to since it's spring break where I am cx Sleep well lovelies~🌺

- Ralphina

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