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   She was happy with me. Well at least it seemed like it, but all I know is that as soon as her asshole boyfriend showed up all the fun got sucked out of her. I couldn't stop thinking about how the way she looked at me while I was playing the guitar. It was what I imagine what I look like when Im looking at her. After I beat her to the bus, she noticed Trent was inside. She got all quiet said goodnight and left.

I was thinking all of it through while walking around the parking lot. I checked the time and realized the bus's were set to leave at 4:00am, it was 3:45. I rushed back to the bus but slowly opened the door noticing everyone was asleep. The heater broke this morning so it was as cold as it was outside.

As I was walking to my bunk I almost tripped on a body. Startled I look down to find Camila on the floor with one blanket. How was she not freezing? Why wasn't she in her bunk? I looked at her top bunk and Trent was sleeping in it wrapped up in all her blankets. This dickhead made his own girlfriend sleep on the floor of a freezing tour bus with only a thin blanket. This guy is honestly the biggest douche ever. I crouched down to where I could pick her up without hitting the sides of the bunks. I lifted her up and carried her bridal style to my bunk. God she was shivering in her sleep.

I placed her in my bunk and wrapped all the blankets I could around her tiny perfect body. She was so small to the point where we could both fit. My life is working out today. I hopped in, taking one of the thinner blankets because I wanted her to have all the thick ones. I closed the little curtain covering the tour bus bed so no one would see. I felt her body roll into mine and I smiled. I turned my body to face her and wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer. She wrapped her legs around me, hooked her arms around my neck and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. She was koala cuddling me without even realizing it. Can't figure out why Trent would pass this up.


There was loud chewing noise waking me up from my sleep. I slowly open my eyes trying to readjust them to the light.

"So tell me Shawn is this something just friends would do? Or am I missing something" I looked towards the voice and it was Geoff with a huge bag of popcorn in his hand and shoving some into his face, he looked amused by what he saw.

"What are you-" I felt something nuzzle into my shoulder, I looked down and remembered all that had happened last night. Except now her back was facing Geoff and my back was facing the wall. My cheeks heated from how wrong this must look. I lightly pushed my body away from her being careful not to wake her, but I didn't like the feeling of not being so close to her once I maneuvered my way off the bed.

"Care to explain?" Geoff said with his arms across his chest with a 'I told you so' face. I walked towards the back of the bus so we wouldnt wake up Mila.

"Look okay her boyfriend made her sleep on the floor with only a thin blanket, so I picked her up and brought her back to my bunk wrapped the blankets around her and made her as warm as possible" I said simply.

"So that had to include her wrapping her legs around you while you held on to her like a teddy bear?" He asked smugly. He never stopped drilling for information.

"A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to stay warm" I said with a smirk. I heard faint foot steps coming our way and looked down the thin walk way on the bus. Camila always found a way to look stunning even early in the morning.

"How'd you sleep?" Geoff greeted her. The reasoning behind his question was obvious to me.

"Actually that's the best I've slept in like my whole life". I think that was the best thing to ever happen to my ego EVER.

"But how did I end up not on the floor and in your bunk?" She directed the question towards me. "I saw you on the ground and carried you to mine" I answered.

"Then where did you sleep?" She asked confused.

"On the- couch" I stuttered not being able to think of something fast enough. Geoff snorted.

"You didn't have to do that, but thank you." She said while looking at me then directed her focus to both us.

"Do either of you know where Trent is?" As much as I hated the question I was curious as to know where he went.

"Oh when I woke up we were at a stop and he switched bus's to go hang with the guys from the Chain smokers" Geoff replied.

"How long do we have till Miami?" I asked.

"I think like an hour actually." Geoff answered.

"Are we the only ones on this bus?" Mila asked.

"Yeah at the last stop everyone left this bus and went to some of the other ones." Geoff answered.

"Back to what's really important, food!" she quickly snatched the bag of popcorn from Geoff, took a handful, and shoved a handful into her mouth. I laughed at her action. God I even liked the way she ate.

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