Home Sweet Home

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"You guys boned didn't you?" Hailee asked. She had been asking questions about me and Camila for the past half hour. It was starting to irritate me. "No her manager decided to become cock blocker of the year before we could get to the that part" I said still annoyed that happened. I was this close to chucking her phone at the wall when she picked up. "Was she into it? I mean you got her into a bed when she still has a boyfriend, that's impressive." She asked. I rolled my eyes at her question. "Hailee I don't really see how that's your business" I said. From what I could tell Camila seemed to be very into it."Shawn I'm just saying how ever that first session went will set the mood of your whole entire relationship" she said with her hand on my hip. "Fine, she was extremely pleased and I was extremely happy making her pleased." I said being done with the conversation. "Way to go Mendes" she said clapping. I stuck my middle finger at her just in spite.

"What are we clapping for?" Camila asked while walking through the hotel door. She sat next to me on the couch. I swear I could still feel how delicious her lips tasted when she smiled at me. "Shawn was attempting to whistle and failed miserably". Hailee lied so easily, I can't even think about lying to Camila. Just the thought of doing it makes me feel guilty. Camila giggled. "So I actually came here to ask you when our flight was leaving for Ontario" she asked turning towards me. "Right after we finish performing, so like at 12:00 p.m." I said grinning. "Back up, Camila did you just say 'our' as in you and Shawn are going back to Canada together?" She asked suddenly intrigued. "Yeah we're working on some contract over the break." Camila seemed confused at what Hailee was getting at. I smiled at her innocence but yesterday there was nothing innocent about her. "So your spending a four day break where Shawn grew up. Where are you staying?" She asked. "My house, my family gonna be gone while we're there." I answered for her. Now I didn't even understand what Hailee was getting at. "Oh cool don't forget to pick up condoms on your way there" she said that as if it wasn't going to put us in a uncomfortable position. "Ew" Camila said making a gagging face. Well you weren't saying ew yesterday, I thought to myself. I looked over at her and her cheeks were bright pink. I loved it when she did that. "Well I'm gonna leave. Remember children protection is important. As much as I love you both I don't need tiny Camila's and Shawn's running around." Camilas cheeks turned even brighter when Hailee said that while walking through the door.

"You know my feelings are quite hurt." I said to Camila in a fake emotional voice. She looked at me with a amused face. "Oh and why would that be?" She asked. "You said 'Ew' as if I had cooties when she mentioned you having sex with me. That could really hurt a mans ego you know?" I informed her. She laughed, "Something tells me your ego is just fine". "I mean I could come up with a few things for you to do for me to make sure it's still intact." I said smirking while pulling her over to straddle me. My hands rested low on her waist. "Oh really? And what would those 'things' be?" She said slipping her fingers into my hair. "Im sure you could guess" I said brushing my lips against hers. It was barely a kiss at all but it still made my head spin and I wanted more. "Unfortunately I don't have time for that." She said standing up. I groaned and threw my head back. I'm not a faucet, you can't just turn me on one second and then turn me off another. Especially when she's wearing her performance outfit. It was like every teenage boys fantasy ."Wanna meet up at one of the sprinter vans outside right after the show to leave? The managers will be there to" she asked. Of Course the managers will be there. Does God just hate me?. "Sure" I answered. "Cool, bye" she said walking out the door.


"What if the plane crashes and your the only survivor and you have to deal with the guilt of knowing that you didn't get me my favorite Starbucks drink before I died?" Camila said dramatically to her manager. Me and Andrew (my manager) laughed at her child like persona. She had been begging her manager to stop at Starbucks since we got in the car. Roger (her manager) rubbed the sides of his fore head with two fingers out of irrtation. "Camila there is no time" he said. "Fine deal with the guilt. Not my fault, I'll be to busy being dead" she said. "Fine" he said. She smiled wide in victory. He called to the driver to stop at the nearest Starbucks.

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