The One and Only - 1

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Hi my name is Agatha

This is my love story when I was in middle school. Where my heart is only focused on someone who can never see how much I admire him.

"Agatha! Who do you think is the most handsome?" Suddenly Jesisca tapped my shoulder, her hand pointed towards a group of boys in the corner of the class "Hmm .. maybe Jonathan", Jesisca frowned "I think Jeremy, I have a little feeling with him because he always looks at me", "Your taste is so bad, he look likes security guards ", Alexand and Clarissa who sat behind us heard and laughter too, they agree with my opinion that Jesisca's taste is not good.


* It was the first day I entered grade 10 at Tribangsa High School, Jesisca, Clarissa and Alexand were my new friends, we weren't in the same school before, but it feels like we know each other well, they are beautiful girls in my class besides being famous and beautiful, they are also smart. It's easy for me to laugh, and share stories with them, even though if you want to know I'm a shy person ... in the beginning, in the end ... if you are close to me, you can be embarrassed hahaha, eh... and ever since I started school, somehow the name Jonathan attracted me. He was in the same group with me during MOS, he looked charismatic, even though he was huge but his style was cool, calm, and I didn't think that when I saw the class list on the bulletin board, I was in the same class with him *


Class was very busy the next day. I sat in the back seat alone because my friend Jessica moved to the bench right in front of me, she said simply. "Jes, what did you choose for extracurricular activities? Confused about wanting to dance, but afraid of not having friends, "I panicked because next week the extracurricular activities had started and student data regarding the last extracurricular was chosen today. Jesisca who is cool eating with Clarissa instead offers her food "here eat, fat later", "seriously jes", I said while putting on a frustrated face, "I, I'm not too picky, haven't chosen", clarissa who sat next to Jesisca stood up and move to my side "I really want to accompany you to participate in extracurricular dance activities, but .. I can't dance tha" Jesisca and I laughed, "Your hobby is eating, you can dance while eating cla".

The extracurricular that most students have been waiting for has finally begun. After each learning activity in class, all students took part in their respective extracurricular activities, where all were eager to show and hone their talents and in the end I still chose to dance, because I had no other talent besides that ...


When I entered the dance studio, I feel like dancing right away, but I didn't have any friends, I didn't know the other class kids, and I was really embarrassed to start a conversation.

Coach comes in. "Hello everyone .. My name is Christie, just call me Miss Christie." I heard that I thought it was friendly. Class begins and ends with .. "Today is over until here. Introduce yourself and warm up first, next week we will start the basics". Everyone fell silent because no one dared to answer. "Oh I forgot, I have not noticed your presence, I will say your name and you show your hand, I don't really know your face yet," said Miss Christie while busy looking for something in her bag. Immediately outside the studio there were people shouting loudly, and they were busy scrambling to look into the dance studio through the glass doors, from many of the boys there I only saw Jeremy...


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