Chapter 3

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I woke up, feeling the need to do something our of the ordinary. So, I decided to show up to school today. There was something in my gut telling me to go. It's as if something good was going to happen. Something good better happen.

I pulled on my jacket before walking out of my room. My parents didn't care what I did. They knew they couldn't change me. They only wish someone else will. Like that will ever happen.

I parked my bike a few minutes later at the school. I got off, slipping my shades onto my head. Nothing looked different or out of the ordinary. Maybe it's just my stupid gut wanting me to find that girl.

I walked into the school. Girls all around me stopped and stared. I even saw girls drool sometimes. They were obsessed with me. I smirked. I was never going to stop enjoying this.

I walked over to my locker to put my keys and backpack in. I wasn't going to need either. I don't even know what I would need for a regular class. They're lucky to see me here more than once a week.

I heard whispers all around me. I slammed my locker shut before turning. I saw the girl from the party with her boyfriend. They were walking down the hallway. The guy had the biggest smile on his face. I felt something in me. I felt like I needed to punch him. I hated Dylan.

The girl glanced around until her stare landed on me. I stared into her hazel eyes until she disappeared around the corner. I wonder what that was about and why I had the sudden urge to see her again.


I was sitting with Lauren at her table. Her face was in my neck as I grabbed on to her ass. I felt her moan against my skin causing me to smirk. I had an amazing talent with girls.

I looked around at the noisy cafeteria, catching the girl with Dylan. There was something about her that kept drawing me towards her. She seemed so carefree. She laughed while throwing a few of her fries at her friends.

"Babe." I heard Lauren say, pulling away from my neck. I separated from her. I sat her down in a seat before searching in my pocket. I needed a smoke. I finally found one and lit it up. I blew out the smoke, enjoying the nicotine in my system.

"Gotta go babe. Bell is about to ring." Lauren said pecking my lips. I gave her a nod. She was nothing to me.

She walked away as the bell rang. I blew another puff of air. Smoking calms my nerves down. I didn't know why I was so jittery all of a sudden.

"Hey! Castellani! No smoking!" A security guard came over to me. I groaned. Will they ever leave me in peace? I'm not doing anything wrong.

"Where can I smoke?" I asked him before blowing a cloud in his face. He coughed before glaring at me.

"Put the cigarette out now. Detention after school." The security ordered. I smashed cigarette on the ground before walking away. Stupid school and stupid rules. I just want to smoke in peace. I walked towards my english class.

I think the last time I was here was like the very first day. We're in the end of September. I opened the door to class and walked in. I saw people I have never seen before.

"Sorry i'm late. Apparently, I can not smoke in the lunch room." I said annoyed. The teacher gave me a 'are you serious' look. I ignored it.

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