Twinning with Styles

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Marcel's P.O.V

I saw flashing lights outside my window from my bed. Normally I would fall back asleep assuming that they were not here for anyone in my home. Boy was I wrong. The lights stop outside my home and I hear the front door open. Well what a rude awakening for the last day of high school.

I stretched and yawned and swung my feet over the side of the bed. I couldn't tell what time it was without my glasses. I swung my hand over to the side table and gripped the thick framed things. Pushing then on my face I finally got up and made my way to the door. I opened it slowly looked to my right to see my twin brother doing the same.

He had tattoos covering his body and piercings of this and that. I had to say he was the stereotypical punk badboy. He had a lot of one night stands. I should know I have the room right next to him. His curly hair was tousled this way and that from sleeping.

The cops rushed past him though and down to my other brother's room. Oh my god. They must have found out.

Andy's P.O.V

Finally it was the last day of high school. After four brutal years of popularity, boys, girls and learning it was over. Off to college with you then Andy. Sure I was happy to be becoming a lawyer but honestly I would rather stay at home and paint. I was artistic to say the least.

I was all dressed and ready for school but my best friend still wasn't here to pick me up yet. My Alcoholic step-father was still passed out on the coach. My mom was asleep with my little brother in her bed. He had cancer because of his father's drinking. That was one of the reasons I was becoming a lawyer. To help pay for him. He used to have a twin..... My little sister was no longer here on earth though. Now you've heard my sob story.

I started to sketch a portrait of the willow tree in our uncared for backyard. Then I heard the knock on the door. Crap. I checked my phone.

Niall :-) :

Hey I know that you need your beauty sleep but i''m here to pick ya up!

Niall :-) :

Seriously Andy! We got to go!

Niall :-) :

Fine! I'm coming in!

Niall knew better then to come knock at the door. He knew about my alcoholic step-dad. Why was he knocking. I grabbed my back pack and raced down the stairs only to come face to face with my angry hung over step-father.

My step-father has hit me quite a few times. The only thing keeping me around is my little brother Danny. My step-father was also drunk one night and tried to have his way with me. He hit me after I refused.

The first thing I do when I choose a college is one out of country. Maybe Britain? Maybe Ireland like Niall.

"Hey William..." I say but I comes out in more of a whisper. At this point Niall just opened the door and walked in probably because my Hung-over step-father forgot to lock it.

"Where are you going Andy?" Asked William.


"Oh no. You can't graduate. You have to stay he with me so I will always have a punching dummy to take my angry out on." Said William. He raised his arm as if to strike me but Niall tackled him. Niall just started raining punches down on my step-dads face. Screaming out all the different time William had hit me.

"Niall! Niall that's good man! Let's go." I grab Niall's arm we sprint out to his car.

Niall grabs the keys and we drive away but before we get I school he pulls into a small abandoned building parking lot as if to let both our adrenaline calm down. He looked at me and I look back seriously.

I grabbed his hand and he takes it willingly. There a lot of history between Niall and I. He was my main boyfriend through high school. We broke up like 7 months ago about two into my senior year but here we are again.

I lost my first kiss to Niall. Not my virginity, contrary to what everyone thinks. I was the most popular girl in school and he was a bit of a nerd but I don't care. I had feelings still. I lean in and kiss his lips again. I remember the feeling as a wam sensation against my lips again.

"Andy, are we couple or not?" Asked Niall gladly kissing back.

"I don't know Niall. I just don't know." I smiled again his lips.

"Think about. Tell me before you go to college."

Niall knew me so well. He knew that as soon as I graduated I was leaving. Whether anybody came with me or not. We finally make our way to high school. Time for graduation.

Harry's P.O.V

I stared at the diploma again. I had done it. I graduated high school. Finally. I waited out my car leaning on the hood. My sunglasses were on thank god because I was facing the sun. Really I was just waiting for Marcel. What was taking him so long?

I few girls past me giggling. 10th graders. I stuck out my tongue with it's like piercing on it out. The stop by me. The blond one in the middle was cute. The other two.... Chopped liver. She, meaning the blond, Bit her lips making her way closer to me. That's when my idiot brother decided to come running at me in full nerd dork mode.

The girls ran away of course. I angry huffed and jumped into my car. I hit the wheel as my brother clambered in. He handed me a paper.

Scholarship for 200,000 dollars for the college of London-England university.

"Good job now tell me why you had to chase away my next one night stand!" I yelled at him and he cowered away. I drove back home the whole time Marcel stuttering apologizes at me. Idiot.

Finally though, Marcel would be out of my hair. No longer would I have to compete for attention. I could live the normal life of a singer/artist. Marcel was to smart for my taste anyway.

But then my parents decided to tell me I have to go to college with him. Crap.

Andy's P.O.V

Well, here I was. A new country. A new college. Making new friends. Starting a new life. I was at the London-England university to study for a couple years. But in the back of mind I felt like there was something I was forgetting.

I walked down on the clean and pristine hallways until I got to my room number. I was sharing with three other people. At least that's how many people could be fit in one room. This was the business side of campus. Before I came here though, I walked around the art side of campus, half wishing I was there.

When I opened room 108 to see my two very VERY unexpected roommates.

Marcel's P.O.V

I saw Harry throw his stuff angrily on the bed. I cowered away from him behind the small kitchen counter afraid he might come after me next.

It's not like I was happy that he was coming along. I was as mad as he was but I knew how to handle it better, obviously. I pushed my glasses back up onto my face and flattened my hair down with my hand.

Harry's P.O.V

I sat on the edge of the bed starring at the room I had better get used to. There was only going to be one good part of college. The girls.

God seems to like me because the most beautiful girl I had ever seen walked through the door right at that time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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