Parties arent my thing

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My alarm goes off at 6:25. "Suck my ass" I groan, painfully rubbing my eyes; I press stop on my phone staying rolled up in my warm blue sheets. I stare at the ceiling for a couple more minutes to fully awaken. Sighing , I kick myself out of bed, glumly moving to my makeup desk. "Oh my god, I hate myself" looking into the mirror, scolding at my nasty chin acne. Like usual I don't put on a lot of makeup; simple pink smoky eye, highlight, eyebrows, and a clear gloss. I straighten my long, silky chocolate brown hair and fix my fringe. I grab a pair of mom jeans, and a red off the shoulder top and head out the door. "Morning" my mom says, handing me my lunch. I smile and grab my bag. "Can I go to Arianna's with Anna after school?" I ask expecting a no, "yeah sure, take the keys" she responds. Surprised, I grab the keys off the book shelf and my jacket. "Okay well I'll text you later, love you!" I say plugging in my headphones and walk out the door.
I walk into the big glass doors of Montgomery High. Passing the library and down the fine arts wing to my locker. Anna was already waiting for me, "Hey bitch" she giggles, I roll my eyes and push her into the lockers with a big smile on my face. "Can you go to Arianna's?" I ask, "Probably not my mom's a dick" she rolls her eyes. The bell rings and Anna hugs saying "I can go if I sleepover at your place!! Ask your mom please" "okay, okay !" I reply. I legit sleep through band class, the bell finally rings and I don't think I've ever left a class faster. Running down the hall to get to science before my seat is taken I run into someone and I wanted to die right there. Justin Steven's this guy I used to have a 'thing' with, he unadded me on snap for no reason, unexpectedly. Shitty. "Ughh shit" I cover my face and speed away all I can hear is him and his friends laughing. Fuck my life. I get into class and sit beside my GBF, Derek Ferguson. "Hey girl" he says, mezmorized by my outfit, "you're rocking that red ugh!" He adds I giggle. "Damn baby you don't look too bad yourself," I wink at him as Mr. Shu tells us to cut it out. Classic. We get handed our daily booklet, I never know how to do them. "So I heard you and Justin are over..." Derek whispers, "Yeah, whatever." I reply, I honestly
couldn't be more upset. I hate boys. "He was ugly anyway and looks like a dad, you can do so much better." He tried to reassure me. I shrug my shoulders and change the subject. "You coming to Arianna's?" , "Ugh hell yeah I am, this is gonna be big bitch!" He says a little too loud and Shu glares at us. "Yeah I know, maybe you'll find a man busta!" I say as a huge grin spreads across his face, he tries to play it off and rolls his eyes... "shut the hell up" I laugh and lay my head on his shoulder.

"2:58" I say in my head, reading my phone. Mr. Fraser didn't know when to end a lecture this time about why some people like dogs and others cats? Irrelevant. *Bing* I grab my books and call Anna, "What do you want!?" She laughs, I sigh. "Where do you want to meet? Also you can sleepover." I hear her screech, "fuck yeah meet me at the cafeteria." I end the call. As we were walking back to my place, Anna tells me something I legit flip over. "WHAT THE HELL ANNA! YOU FUCKED HIM!?" I scream as she keeps hitting my arm, "shut the fuck up, he likes me" she adds "Anna, you had sex the first time you hung out. You haven't seen him since the summer." I couldn't be more disappointed, if I was there she would still be a virgin and saved herself for someone special. "Can you please try to be fucking supportive? I want to have fun tonight and not have you angry at me." She whines. "Whatever, let's forget about it. Good thing he's hot" I give her a half grin that wasn't even the slightest bit sincere. "Hey girlies" my mom cheers as we walk in, we both smile as I pick up my 2 year old brother, Liam. "You girls excited for tonight ?" She asks, folding the fresh laundry. "Yeah, it should be good" anna replies, "Don't get too drink." My mom adds as we walk down the hall. Anna and I stop and look at each other "what the fuck" I mouth and we both giggle. "Should I wear this!!?" I yell, showing Anna my black, cropped tube top with my white/red kappa tear away pants. "Um hell yes, can I wear your red shirt you wore today ? With your white button up skirt?" She asks as she's already putting on my clothes, "well you're already wearing it aren't you...?" I laugh, she smiles and starts curling her hair.

We get to Arianna's and most of the gals were there already, Hanna runs up to us and hugs us both. Her breath reaked of peach growers and tequila. "Im so happy you guys are here you missed the first shots though!!!" She yells running back to the couch. I roll my eyes. I usually hate going to parties, but Anna's here so I'm hoping things will be more fun. Anna goes hard with the after another... she's about 5 shots deep when she grabs me and loudly whispers "BODY SHOTS BITCHES!!!" Everyone screams and Arianna yells "Florence hasn't drank anything what the hell." I sink into my chair and awkwardly smile at everyone, "Well she's taking body shots off all of us then. Come on!" Alayna adds grabbing me as everyone sets up. She explains what to do and to loosen up. I grab the lemon off the last person and throw it on the ground "FUCK YEAH!" I yell and everyone takes a video on their snaps. I hear a knock at the door and then a bunch of guys voices yelling outside. I stumble to the door, and open it. The skater, stoner guys followed by the grade 12 squad and ...... we'll kill me Justin and his damn friends. I let everyone in and put my hand out to stop Justin. "I'm sorry buster but you're going to fast..Dicks aren't aloud at this party." I state, angrily. "Well that's funny, cause I see a lot of dick.. and what happened baby you used to like mine" he grins, coming closer to my face. My heart skips a beat as he grabs my waist. "Fuck off." I push him and walk away. What an asshole, I sit in the kitchen and start pounding back a weird mixed drink anna gave me earlier. "Jesus who ruined your night?" A deep, familiar voice laughs. I turn around and there stands Eddie Burns. One of the hottest guys in the 12th grade. Talking to me. "Someone irrelevant.." I reply, wiping away any tears. "I saw You and Justin. That guys a fucker. Don't cry over him, you're so pretty and deserve so much better." I feel my cheeks go bright red at his comment. He smiles a gorgeous pearly white smile and grabs my hand to lead me outside. We go to the trampoline and I see Anna and Ricky Dean cuddling. Eddie helps me up and sits behind me, wrapping his arms around my neck and I lay on his chest. "You guys are adorable." I giggle pointing at Anna and Ricky. "Shushhh, Eddie you found yourself a cutie." Ricky winks at me and I smile, I see one of Justin's friends point at us and Justin just stares at me. I awkwardly look away, and hear "whore." I shoot up and roll off the trampoline, screaming with tears running down my face "Youre such a jerk, Justin. I hate you!" I trip over myself onto the ground and I just lay there, heartbroken. It was my own fault for having feelings.

"FLORENCE OH MY GOD!" Anna yells pulling me up, I push her off of me and slam the gate. Warm tears, stream down my cold face. The wind blows through my hair while making a quiet howling sound. I walk down to the beach and sit on the rocks by the tide pools. I always come here to be alone, it's so peaceful and beautiful. So calming. I close my eyes and listen to the waves hitting the rocks and sand. "Florence..." I look to my left and there stands Eddie, what a beautiful man. Honestly. His caramel coloured hair, pearly white teeth, green eyes, freckles...he was so cute. "Hi" I sniffle, "Why did you run off, everyone's been looking for you for the past 20 minutes" he says kinda panicky, I run my hair behind my ear and pull my knees to my chest. "I just hate that he used me. I didn't want to say it but it's so obvious. I hate guys so much." I grab a rock and huck it into the water. Eddie comes and sits beside me and rubs my back. "I know, but not all guys are dicks. A pretty girl like you deserves the world." He smiles at me, and I can't help but smile back, "you have the nicest smile.." I awkwardly say out loud and he just giggles, helping me up. "Yours is pretty cute too." He grins, I feel butterflies in my stomach and I completely swoon over Eddie. I see Anna and Ricky, Anna kept pushing his hands away. I walk up to Ricky and shove him he stumbles over and flips me off "what the fuck Florence?" I shake my head "Learn how to take no for an answer." I grab Anna's hand and start rushing home. "No goodbye?" I turn around and see Eddie put his arms out I walk over and hug him, he smelt like expensive cologne and lavender. "I'll see you later." I say walking away, "I'll text you" he replies I give him a weird look. I never gave him my number.

I swing my bedroom door open and face plant into my bed, "that was a mess" I groan. I hear snoring right beside me, I grab my phone and take photos of Anna. A message pops up from a random number. *Hey lol Arianna gave me your number;)* I smile, Eddie. *hey haha, of course she did. Are you home safe?* -F *Nah I'm in the Taxi with Ricky, he feels pretty shitty about Anna.* -E *Awe, i mean I feel bad too. How are you feeling?* -F *Drunk lol. Tired.* -E I giggle and lay onto my pillows and under the covers *ill text you tomorrow. Text me when you get home. Night:-)* -F *Aww fine, goodnight mum;)* -E I put my phone down on my desk. I couldn't stop smiling, it was horrible. I closed my eyes and just thought of him, his lips, his hair, his ey.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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