Jake Riley - "Don't you dare die on me!"

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You looked up at him. Your eyes were wide open and your nose was slightly red. "Don't go anywhere near me, Jake, please..." You whispered and you lifted your hand up.

"What happened?" Jake froze and he shook his head. The veins in his neck were visibly beating and he licked his lips while he folded his hands behind his head. "WHAT HAPPENED?" He raised his voice and you stepped back, staring at the floor beneath your feet.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." You swallowed a few times and you stared at your hands and clothes covered in blood. "She was dying and she was so small and so tiny and..."

"No, no..." Jake stared at you, his fingers intertwined to prevent himself from touching you.

"She was only a baby, Jake! I couldn't let her cry and die on her own! I just couldn't let her lay there in that small glass bed with no one to look after her." It was as if you only realised now what you had done. Not one second had you been thinking about your own safety, about your own health, about dying.You had heard the baby crying and you had seen the pain in her tiny big eyes and you had not been able to fight the instinct to lift her up, to press her to your chest.

"Don't you dare die on me!" Jake stared at you and he locked his eyes with yours. "You were the only good thing that has happened to me lately! I can't lose you. I can't lose you too!" He started to walk back and forth through the hallway. His fist slammed the wall and he shouted when he almost broke a few bones.

You felt your heart racing in your chest while you watched him. After watching a small and vulnerable baby die in your arms, you just accepted that you would die too. Maybe everyone in the cordon would die anyway.

"I'm gonna talk to Cannaerts. He has to fix this. He has to make that cure, that vaccine, whatever. He has to make sure you don't die."

"Jake!" You interrupted his rambling and you cocked your head while you stared at him, at his despair, at his pain, at his worry. "Don't leave me, please." You shook your head. "Don't go to Cannaerts, don't go anywhere. He's doing what he can, but I want to enjoy each and every second with you, even if you can't touch me or kiss me or hold me." You bent your head and avoided his glance.

"Give me one second, okay?" Jake lifted both his forefingers up before he disappeared. A few minutes later he came back. He wore one of those plastic blue suits and a helmet to cover his face. "You held that baby and now it's time for me to hold you." He rushed towards you and he wrapped his arms around your shaking body.

For the first time you allowed yourself to cry. "I didn't want to die, I swear." You whispered, tears rolling down your cheeks. "I didn't want to leave you."

"It's okay, it's okay." Jake let his chin rest on your shoulder while he pressed you to his in plastic covered chest. "I wish I was the kind of person who would have done the same."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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