Chapter 2

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"Cartier," Noah said simply with an admiring look-over and a smile on his face. His golden eyes complimented his soft,golden hair brushing against his ears, disguising his childlike heart. He was dressed in his usual everyday clothes. Nike T-Shirt, Nike Shorts, and Sperry's. He was quite tanned and sturdily built for the most part. As I grew nearer, I smelt his familiar colonge: strong, rich and expensive, Burberry cologne. The windows to my soul softened. It always reminded me of the time we shared.

"Noah, I feared you might not come," I whispered.

"Of course I came," he said nonchalantly.

I shook my head. "Everyone else abandoned me."

"I won't leave you." Noah said firmly. He held his hand out to me, and I hesitantly took it. With that, we began to walk along the beach.

My mind was flooded with painful thoughts. I clung tightly to Noah's firm hand as if it could save me. I was scarred by the unexplainable, always reliving that day, that I didn't do enough. He, as strong as he was, wouldn't possibly be willing to bear my problems.

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