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Greetings to you, amazing reader person! Welcome to my little corner of Wattpad. Thank you for selecting Pandora's Box as your latest fix for your reading addiction. I hope you enjoy it. This story is a work in progress (ten planned chapters, each approximating an actual novel's chapter in length) and as such I'd like to apologize in advance for not having given it a total developmental edit. I do, however, pledge to only post a chapter when I believe it is as coherent as possible and plan to release a new chapter on a weekly basis.

Pandora's Box is one of several planned prequel stories that tie into my debut novel Beastly, and provides an intimate look into the events that forged the psyche of the main villain in Beastly, the Liche Queen. 

I'd like to encourage everyone who reads to leave comments and constructive criticism. The only way I'll learn to improve my craft is by hearing what the community has to say. So please, ask questions. Point out plot holes. Call bullshit where you have to.

I'm a big boy. I can take it.

Pandora's BoxWhere stories live. Discover now