Chapter 9: Part II

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King Drake emerged from behind the ruined remnants of his casket. Shredded bits of the queen's roses fell from the king's clothing as he approached, his limbs still rigid from the short period spent as the Reaper's guest. The former monarch staggered in slow, plodding steps until he hovered over his daughter and her escort.

The king looked over his hands, then panned around at his surroundings. Pandora watched him for a moment, studying his movements, letting go of her disbelief. She held her breath without realizing it.

"Father? Is it really you?" Pandora asked. She whispered as though speaking any louder would destroy the illusion and wake her from a dream.

Drake groaned and stiffly knelt by Pandora's side. He nodded to Malachai, who scuttled back giving father and daughter space. Drake took Pandora's hand, gently caressing its back before tipping her chin up to look him eye to eye. "It is really me, dutre."

'Faday' was all Pandora choked out before throwing her arms around her father and squeezing until they trembled. Sobbing tears came next, flowing from Pandora's crystal blue eyes like a flash flood. She barely controlled the words falling from her lips.

"I can't believe— I thought you were gone— "I just couldn't—"

Drake gave her an easy smile. "Hush. It's alright." he stroked Pandora's hair and kissed the top of her head. "I'm here. Though I'm not quite sure where here is. The last thing I remember is the ball, and not feeling well."

"Is there anything else, your majesty? Anything at all?" Malachai asked.

Drake shook his head. "Only a glimpse of a woman in black. She insisted I join her on some ship called Reaper's Song. I walked with her. She did not speak but the occasional command for me to hurry. A thin length of coiled chain was cinched at her waist. I think a blade dangled at the end."

Malachai bowed his head and uttered a prayer. "You walked in the shadow wake of one of Xaariel's reapers, my lord. I've never heard of someone refusing a ride on her vessel to the World Beyond. But then again I've never seen..."

The king's face turned solemn. "Never seen what?"

"That is— I meant—" Malachai stammered and looked to Pandora for assistance.

Realization dawned immediately on King Drake's face. He thrust Pandora to arm's length, breaking her embrace and stared hard at his daughter. He spoke through a clenched jaw, lips barely moving. "What have you done, Pandora?"

Pandora said nothing. She clutched at her father's arms, trying desperately to pull herself back into the safety of his embrace. But the king's grip firm grip held her fast in place. His words quickly turned cold.

"I asked you a question, child. I won't ask it again."

The princess with the crimson hair hesitated then regarded her father. Her lower lip quivered. "I had to. I couldn't let them lock you away in here. You're supposed to be alive. You're supposed to be with me."

Drake pulled his hands away from Pandora's shoulders and drew himself up to his height. He took stock of his surrounding a second time. Sadness darkened his pale face. He shook his head slowly in the negative. He sighed. "This is the House of Sunsets."

Pandora only nodded.

"Then I am dead."

"No," Pandora blurted. "I brought you back. I stole you away from the Reaper!"

"My daughter, all you've done is upset a delicate, holy balance. A debt of death is one we all promise to pay at the moment of our birth. Life is a contract between Creation and its children. Cheating it tarnishes the Soul Spark burning in each of us."

Pandora wiped an errant tear. Her face filled with red. "I don't care!" She stepped defiantly forward, thrust her chin up, and threw her shoulders back.

"I did what I had to. What no one else could or would do."

Drake's eyes narrowed. "Your mother knows better than anyone the dangers of interfering with the grand Symphony of Creation."

"I just wanted—"

The king suddenly clutched at his chest. A groan escaped him and he staggered backward bracing himself with a hand against the wall of crypt markers. He buried his face into a cold, engraved nameplate.

"Father?" Pandora asked, reaching forward. "Faday?"  

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