Bittersweet Farwell

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(Your POV)

I ran for my life praying to find Sans in time and hope he was safe, I winced when I felt one of holy arrows Father used grazed my cheek. I teared up as I felt my cheek begin to blister and rot away ever so slowly.... I had to find Sans and quick, we have to run far away where Father can't find us. I dodged the arrows best I could as I ran out of the Mansion and into the woods , I pray to god I can find him out here as I began to scream at the top of my lungs. "SANS!!! SANS HELP!!!!" I shout with all my might as I ran deep into the woods, my body being scraped, my dress torn into ribbons..... I need my husband, I need the vampire that changed me for help, I just needed him.

That's when I suddenly saw a figure in the distance, I knew who it was as I soon smiled slightly. I saw him turn around his Jacket covered in blood from another vampire hunter, I didn't care as I went to hug him. "Sans! W-we have to go now!" I shout as Sans looked at my torn up face with concern. "They already got in.... and hurt you.... they'll pay" he says as he helps me up properly. "come now we better get you to safe..." before he could finish his sentence I felt a burning sensation in my body, I coughed up blood as I looked down to see what was the cause of it.

When I looked down there I saw a tip of a wooden stake through my heart, I looked up at Sans as I felt my body getting cold and beginning to fade. I reached out to him and touched his blood stained face as my body began turning into ash, "Sans I...." before I could say anymore my world turned to black........

(Sans POV)

"! My love? Baby!!!" I shout as I held my beautiful wife's hands only for them to turn to ash in mine. I scream in anger and sadness as my wife was ripped from my life, I clutched my head as I scream in agony as I felt my sanity slowly slipping away from my mind. My eyes went dark and I caught the arrow before it could hit me, I looked up at the man and snapped the repulsive weapon in half and began to chuckle. "First my brother..... now my wife..... and you gone and destroyed my home...... Best be praying for forgiveness cause on days like these..... people like you should be in hell" I growls and summoned my Gaster blasters to attack them as I formed a bone rapier (its a fancy sword for those who don't know).

I used my speed and teleportation for once to dodge their attacks, it was tedious but easy as they became more and more predictable with each attack. I soon went in and went for the kill as I gutted one man and tore out the neck of another. They died pathetically as I dodged and decapitated another one of them men, until all that was left was the father of my wife. "Your no mere vampire.... none of the vampires I have seen can do this....." He said to me as I grabbed a stake. "that's because i'm one of a kind..... now if i'm not mis-staken.... you should be dead now" I say as I ram the stake through his cold heart and moved over as my Gaster blasters blasted him into nothing.

I soon fell to my knees and coughed up blood as I exerted myself to much, I grunt and crawled to where the ashes of my wife laid and tried to get all of her remains so I could put her in a urn for memories sake. But life seems to be cruel to me as a sudden gust of wind blew her away from my grasp. I chuckled softly as I began to weep, "everything just wants to leave me..." I said as  began to hit the ground. I cried for what felt like hours until the moon shimmered on something reflective. I looked up to see Papyrus urn leaned up against a tree where I had placed it before my love came to me. I soon stood up and walked over to it and picked up his urn and held it close.

I guess I'm destined to be alone.........


Author: well that's the end of a epic story, or is it? lol i'm messing with ya but there will be an epilouge soon so stay tuned to see what the vampire will do next! bye bye!!!

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