Chapter 2

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I heard a knock on my door at the mountain the next day. "Hey Rob, the teams going to the beach. You want to come?" Wally said though the door "Sure, be out in a minute." Robin said as he put on sweat pants and a pullover sweater my outfit everyday.

When I got to the beach everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "How are you wearing a sweater in this weather?" M'gann questioned. "I get cold really easy." I responded without care. "Ok then." She said with her voice filled with concern.

"Hey boy blunder, why not come in to the water?" Artemis asked teasingly "I'm good thanks. I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom." He said and ran off.

Inside with Robin
I went to my room to grab a bottle of pills and went to the kitchen to get some water. I hesitated while pouring them in my hand, I could do it any time I want. But today's not the day, so I only took one pill out to have with my lunch. I grabbed my water bottle and the pill and went out to have lunch with the team.

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