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"You worthless, stupid, ugly little brat!" my father yells as he hits me and kicks me anywhere he can. I just curl up into a ball and wait him out like usual. He stops after 30 minutes of constant attack on my frail body. He leaves the room and soon I hear him start snoring. I lay there and think about what to do. Then I come to a sudden realization. I'm sick of this abuse. I am done dealing with these drunkards. I'm running away. I pack a bag and climb out of my bedroom window. I run down the street as fast as I can and plow right into a man who I don't recognize at first, but after a second I realize I just ran into none other than the superstar and One Direction band member Niall Horan.

"Whoa! Slow down! Why do you have that bag? Are you running away?" He asks rapidly, obviously concerned.

"Yes, and please don't make me go back! They beat me, kick me and they starve me! They are always drunk, and they don't care! They wish I had never been born! They tell me that every single day!" I ramble, crying for the first time in years. He pulls me into a hug, and then he pulls away, holding my shoulders gently.

"You will not be going back." He says with determination on his face.

"I don't want to go into foster care either." I point out.

"Don't worry about that." Niall says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm going to talk to my band mates and see if they agree with me adopting you." he explains. He helps me into his car and we go to their shared flat. He sits me down in the kitchen with a sandwich and chips so he can talk to the others. I watch the clock as 10 minutes pass. Then 15. Right as it hits 20 minutes, Niall comes back into the kitchen and motions for me to follow him. We go into an office where all the boys are sitting on the couches. I sit down on an overstuffed recliner and wait for them to start talking.

"How old are you?" Liam asks to start the conversation.

"8 years old. I turn nine next month." I say nervously.

"Well, we will have to have a party then." Louis says.

"Does that mean...?" I ask tentatively. They all smile mischievously and nod. I jump up and hug them all.

"Well, love, I guess we should go get this adoption done." Harry says, and I jump up and practically drag Niall and Harry out the door. We go to the Range Rover and get in. Paul is driving, Liam is in the front passenger seat, Harry and Louis are in the middle, and Niall, Zayn and I are in the very back. We sing their songs the whole way to the courthouse. I grab Niall's hand for comfort as we enter the courthouse and soon we are in the judge's chambers. 

"So, Olivia, what happened at your parent's house?" the judge asks. I tell him everything from the constant drinking to the hitting and kicking and finally the insults. He looks at me with a sad smile.

"You are a brave little girl. I am going to tell the police and these monsters will be charged with child abuse and neglect." he says.

"So, can we adopt her?" Niall finally speaks up, and I notice he has tears running down his face, as do the others.

"Yes, you just need to sign a few papers." the judge replies. Niall quickly signs everything.

"Welcome to the family, Olivia Renee Horan." Niall says. I jump into his arms and hug him as tight as I could. Once we leave, we get McDonald's and then head home.

"N-Niall?" I ask tentatively after we got home.

"Yes, baby girl?" He says with a smile on his face.

"Can I call you Dad, and the boys Uncle Liam, Uncle Louis, Uncle Harry, and Uncle Zayn?" I ask. He smiles widely.

"Of course!" He says, hugging me. We go downstairs to discuss rules and consequences. I sit on the couch and they all sit across from me.

"Rules are: no cussing, fighting, illegal activities, tell us where you are, and do good in school. Consequences are: a soapy mouth, grounding and/or a spanking. We will never beat you like your previous family. All we will do is spank you because we love you and want you to do great things." Dad explains. I nod, determined to behave and not break any rules. Soon, it's bedtime and I go upstairs without arguing. I fall asleep instantly.

1D Adopted MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant