Chapter 6

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I jolted awake. 4:18 A.M.
I sprung to my feet and ran out of the room. I looked down and sighed disappointingly.

Rodrick has fallen down the stairs.

Honestly, i didnt expect any less. I was in the same clothes as i was, and here we have a wild rodrick at the bottom of the stairs flailing.

"Babbbyyyyy!!!!" He screamed

"Shut the hell up!" I helped him up and i helped him to his room. I took off his shoes and his shirt and forced him in the bed.

"Now sleep." I got in next to him and turned away from him. He already was dead asleep, while i was left to my thoughts.

What even was tonight? Baby? Really? He "likes" me? Pathetic. Hes just drunk. He has Rhea anyways. Ugh. "Just a friend". Yeah okay. I need to figure this shit out.

I woke up and showered and changed.

I was kinda scared to go downstairs and see the mess

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I was kinda scared to go downstairs and see the mess. But i did anyways.

I was horrified. Trash everywhere, broken shit, and even a few people passed out on the floor? And ohmygod, where the hell did the nightstand go?? It would take hours for us to clean this mess. I stomped upstairs and yanked rodrick off the bed. He shot up, holding his head.

"Y/n what the fuck?"

"Get your ass up. We need to clean, now. Then you can go back to bed."

"But my mom and dad arent gonna be home till tomorrow!"

"Do i care? Its 11 A.M. I said get up. Dont make me beat the shit out of you."

"Alright alright"

He got up and held his head. We both walked downstairs and started cleaning.

After 6 HOURS we were finally done. Rodrick and I were sitting on the couch, watching TV. He still had a hangover while i giggled.

"Er uh. Did i do anything stupid last night..?" He asked and winced.


"Oh god. What did i do"

"Hmm lets see. You said you 'liked' me, you called me baby, told me Rhea was just a friend when i know shes your girlfriend, aannnd fell down the stairs at 4 A.M."


"I know right? You werent hurt though."


"Yeah. What about it?"

"1. I dont like you that way, 2. Rhea is just a friend. No joke. Shes into me but im leading her on bigtime"

"Well thats not very nice of you."

"I know its not. I just dont know how to get her off."

"Here, gimme your phone."

He gave me his phone and I texted Rhea:

"Lmao who are you and why are you texting my boyfriend? Stop texting him right now before I shove my foot so far up your ass, itll come out of your mouth."

"Whaa?? He has a girlfriend?? I didnt know that. Im sorry, i really am. Ill leave him alone now."

"There you go." I smiled and gave him his phone back. He read it and chuckled.

"Thanks y/n."

"No problem" i highfived him and he fell asleep on the couch. I turned off the TV and went home. I spent a lot of time here, and i should probably go home and help my mother.

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