Chapter 4

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Once I arrived at my apartment I was greeted with silence. I guess Katrina isn't here yet. Oh well. I go to sit down on my sofa when I remembered that I need to pack for my move in with BTS. Hopefully they won't be much trouble. Hopefully.

Before I walk into my bedroom I go to the closet right between mine and Kat's room and take out 2 large suitcases and a smaller one for personal needs. I grab them and head to my room.

I get inside my room and start packing. Since it has only just turned into Spring it's still kind of chilly so I pack all my sweaters and light jackets. I pack everything that I basically own. Since most of the time I'm pretty much wearing the same clothes because of my job I don't really have much clothes. I pack everything in my closet except for dresses and the big jackets that I own, in one of the large bags. I then start packing sweaters, sweatshirts, shirts, blouses, jeans, leggings, sweats, joggers, along with my underwear, bras, and socks. After packing all my clothes in both bags I start packing things in the smaller bag. In the smaller bag I pack all 4 pairs of my shoes. As you can probably tell I don't really have much shoes. I also packed my flat iron and my toiletries.

After I got done packing everything I start putting all the bags in my car. Once that's done I go back into my apartment and make myself something to eat. I take my laptop and my food to the kitchen counter and start doing some research while eating.

Apparently M3aN has been a thing for almost 6 years. Wow. I look at the digital copy of the profile Mr. Kang gave us at the station. For those boys being very closed off everyone knows about them. I thought they would be more private, but I guess not. I couldn't find more information then what was already in the profile, so I looked over trying to see if I missed anything and it looks like I didn't.

I decided that I was gonna take a nap since I still have not received a phone call telling me to go to the dorms.


3 Hours later

I woke up feeling very energized and tired at the same time. Before I got up I grabbed my phone from where I last left it and turned it on. Throughout the midst of my very much needed nap I had received 16 phone calls and 2 messages from Mr. Kang.

I am SO dead.

I opened up my phone looking at the message first.

From: Chul Oppa 👮

I just got a call from the boys' manager. You are to be at their dorms 1 hour got it. It's the building to the right of the Big Hit Entertainment building.

Sent at : 13:47

From : Chul Oppa 👮

YA!!! Why aren't you at the dorms!!! They have been waiting for over an hour. You are to get there IMMEDIATELY!!!! ..... Have fun.

Sent at : 15:37

Omgomgomgomg I did not even realise that he called me. I'm going to die!!!

I check the time and it is now 15:45. I rushed to put my laptop and profile in my bag and put on my shoes before getting into my car and driving off literally going at 70mph.

Once I saw the building I found a parking space ran inside the building. When I stepped into the apartment building I was not expecting to see a group of people waiting for me and might I add they looked really pissed off and impatient. And I was definitely not expecting to see Chul Oppa there looking like he was going to murder me the moment he saw me.

Once I let go of the door a handle and the door close with a thud everyone's eyes were turned on me.

"Sorry I'm late. My name is Yoonie."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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