♥ Chapter One ♥

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•Im sorry to all the male readers, you're female in this.•

-3rd Person-

[Y/N] was very excited, for just yesterday, she had graduated from [F/U]. •Favorite University• She currently lived in an apartment close to her friend Matt's house.

Not close enough to see him everyday, though. She was still a very busy person.

[Y/N] Still remembers the day they met. Not like it was yesterday, that would be very cliche. It was more of a blur. But she remembers that they went to the movies once with a few other friends, to see the official release of Zombie Pirates from Hell 2. •*Cough*•

[Y/N] Sat on her queen sized bed, enjoying being alone, without anyone around, whatsoever, period. •(/•_•/ Creativity..\•_•\)•

She hasn't visited Matt in about a week, so she might check in on everyone. Maybe they were on one of their crazy adventures that she could be included into? She smiled at the thought and put on her [F/S].

•Favorite Shoes• They were comfortable, and she wasn't going on some date, so she didn't need to put any effort into her looks. She decided to skip makeup, or dressing up at all.

She wore fluffy pants, and a tank top with a light jacket over it. •Notice I didn't make it a damn hoodie like everyone does, I mean- *cough*

She stretched and got up, she stood up a bit too fast so she got a little dizzy, but recovered from it after about 15-20 seconds.

•Who the fuck keeps track of that? I mean- *COUGH*• [Y/N] Walked out the door and stepped into her Beetle. •I apologize if you are not a fan of the cutest cars in the world. I mean- *cough*•.

-[Y/N]'s POV-

I finally reached their house, and I stepped out of the car. Walking up to the door, I notice an Edd look-a-like glaring at me. •*COUGH*• "Hm.. kek." I nodded in greeting to him, maybe he was just suspicious of me.

I don't know why he would be, I've been here a million times. I don't bother knocking and I walk right in. "HOME, SWEET HOME, MY BEAUTIFUL VICTIMS!" I shout to get everyone's attention throughout the house.

"Ah, [Y/N]! You finally decided to stop by!" Matt practically screamed in my face. I'm used to his enthusiasm.....To everything and everyone. But it was still a bit surprising.

Tom just kind of walked passed the kitchen to grab his alcohol, showing no interest to me being in their house. Edd was a really nice guy, and you admired his art. He came last, giving me an Edd-Bear hug.

"Welcome home, friend! We were wondering when you would come back!" Tom snickered- "Matt thought you left us forever, but welcome back I guess." I glanced at Matt with a look that said 'Wow, you hugable idiot' and then l looked over at Tom. "Nice to see you're bright as usual, how're you?" I replied with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

Tom scoffed and went back to drinking his Smirnoff. I chuckle in satisfaction and walk to the couch. "So what should we do today, guys?" I say aloud.

"How about we head to the park, or something?" Edd suggested. Everyone agreed and went to get ready.

Word count 560!

•First chapter, wow! Tell me what you guys think, please! And constructive criticism is always needed. *3* As I am not the best Author in the world.•

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