Chapter 8: The Party pt. 2

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"Yeah, the fourth years and up are having a party in one of the refurbished dungeons on Halloween. They expanded it so it'll be able hold a ton of people!"

Albus didn't know how he felt about the idea. He was always more of a keep-to-himself kind of person and that loud environment didn't seem to be his cup of tea. He would rather catch some much-needed time with Scorpius. Their friendship had been on thin ice for a couple months since Rose and he became official. Apparently the separation in houses wouldn't keep the two teens apart.

Albus strutted to Scorpius sitting on the side of the courtyard, for once by himself.

What an anomaly

"H-hey, Scorp." The nervous boy sat down on the same bench but kept distance between the two of them.

"Hey, Al!" Scorpius' face lit up which in turn made Albus feel more comfortable. "It feels like we never really get to hang out all that much anymore. Have you been avoiding me?" Albus tried to control his irritation. He didn't particularly appreciate being accused of avoiding the person who seemed to be going out of his way to do exactly that.

"Avoiding you? Absolutely not! I guess we've just been busy with other things." Albus was cut off with Scorpius wrapping his arm around the other boy's shoulders.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I've missed our escapades." The nervous Potter hoped his friend wasn't seeing how red his cheeks were turning. "Hey, uh, do you want to check out that Halloween party with me?

Albus swallowed and took a shaky breath, "That sounds nice, but how about ditching that party and just hanging out, you and me in the dorms like we used to?"

"Al, that sounds perfect! We can play wizard's chess and eat candy and talk about muggle things while everyone else is at that noisy party like the good ol' days!"

Scorpius' excitement energized his friend and soon they both were smiling their heads off making plans for the holiday.

"Promise you'll be there?"

"Of course, mate!" Both boys pulled bright smiles at each other.

"Y'know, Scorp, I feel like this is going to be the most fun I've had in a while." Scorpius laid an arm on Albus and chuckled while the two got up and headed to the Great Hall for dinner.

Albus set up a corner of games and sweets in the Slytherin common room, making sure everything was in perfect position. He had eagerly been awaiting this night ever since its inception. The feeling of actually enjoying himself with Scorpius was something he had been missing for a while. After planning the occasion, they had only seen each other a few times outside of their classes, in which they didn't even sit next to each other anyway, but he had held onto those moments as if they would be the last. However, their relationship did seem to be building back up after the past couple months of growing apart. Albus was glad he finally got an occasion with him again, even if the party next door was rather loud, although it seemed to be taking the other boy longer than expected to show up.

The ruckus happening in the other dungeons reverberated through the walls, making it hard for him to focus, especially since he hadn't seen Scorpius for a while and the time they agreed on meeting at had passed about 20 minutes ago.

Oh my lord, where is he?

A student walked into the room seeming a bit intoxicated, his clothes messy and clinging to his body as he stumbled to the dormitories.

Albus Potter and his Fifth Year InfatuationWhere stories live. Discover now