The New Sherlock

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Hello! There is an original charachter in this chapter whose name is Nicholas Allen Smith. He will be an important character for the future episodes. I will use Matt Smith as Nick, so you can visualize him when you read his parts :)

Moreover, I made a collage for Sherlock and Sherrinford's confrontation. Don't forget to look at the multimedia :)


Episode 1: The New Sherlock

September 24th, 1996

Sherlock is avoiding me.

I don't know what I'm going to do. Those deductions that I made... I don't want them to be true. What if I'm right? He was looking so pale. I've never seen him like this before. I feel so alone without him. It's like he's someone else who looks like exactly my brother. 

I wanted to tell Mycroft, but I don't think he's the one who Sherlock needs. He needs me. He was always there for me, I must be there for him too, although he doesn't want me to. 

Today, I will talk to him. If he push me out, I won't give up. He's slowly killing himself, I must stop him. Unfortunately, I have to go to class. I will have to wait until the school ends.

When I left my dorm room, I realized someone was waiting for me. 

''Oh, Sherrinford! I have to talk to you.'' said Nick. 

Nicholas Allen Smith... He's both my and Sherlock's best friend. Our houses are in the same neighbourhood so we have been knowing each other for years. He's also Sherlock's roommate. The most important thing about Nick is; if he's worried, something bad will happen. He has like a sixth sense or something. 

''What happend, Nick?'' I said. 

''I found drugs under Sherlock's bed.'' said Nick. ''It was an acciden't. I dropped my pen and when I picked it up, I saw the drugs. He's not good, Sherrinford. He doesn't talk to me, he always sleeps except he doesn't go to the lessons.I don't know what to do.'' 

''Thank you, Nick.'' I said. ''I will talk to him after my lessons ends. This has to be stop. We have to help him.''

''What do you want me to do?'' asked Nick.

''Give me the key of your room. When he's not there, I am going to dispose the drugs. You will have to keep him busy for a while. We can't say this so anyone, If someone hears about this, they would  sent him to a rehab.''

''I agree with you. We must keep this secret..'' said Nick and revealed his dorm key from his pocket. ''Here's the key. Be careful, Sherrinford.''

''I always am, and you know it.'' 


When I went to the senior's hall, it was empty. I went to the door of Sherlock's and Nick's room, unlocked the door, and entered the room.

Their room was a mess. 

If Nick didn't say Sherlock was hiding the drugs under his bed I couldn't find it. I went to Sherlock's bed, looked for the package that Nick told me about. I found it under his bed. I took the package, went to the bathroom and pour it on the closet.
Mission was completed.

(This part has a little bit drama. If you want to be in mode, listen 'Brothers - Pearl Harbour Soundtrack' ) 

September 25th, 1996

I didn't talk to Sherlock two days ago, I'm waiting for him to come and we can talk. Sooner or later, he will realize his drugs are gone. I don't think It will take long.

I was right.

Sherlock slammed my door at night. He was so angry. I understood that he realized his drugs were gone. Actually, he didn't have to be a supersalute to solve it, because I left my phone in his room knowingly.

It only took him half an hour to notice that his package wasn't under his bed and come by my room. 

''What do you think you are doing?!'' said Sherlock with anger. 

''I just want to protect you, Sherlock.'' I said. ''Look at yourself, I can't recognize you anymore. You changed a lot.'' 

''Nothing happens to me.'' said Sherlock. ''I am perfectly fine.'' 

''Really, Sherlock?'' I said. I was really annoyed by his behaviour. ''You are using drugs! If someone knows about it, you would be expelled from school!'' I was talking with a calm tone now. ''Why are you doing this to yourself? Using drugs doesn't have a difference from commiting suicide, Sherlock.'' 

My eyes were full with tears. When I looked at him, he was like that too. My plan was working.

''Please, Sherlock. Stop this. Even if you don't think so, there are some people who care about you. There is me, Sherlock. I'm your brother, remember the times we had when we were children? You said you will always be there for me, and you were. Now it's my turn. I won't let you to kill yourself slowly. That's what brothers do.'' 

''I just... I feel so lost, Sherrinford.'' said Sherlock. His voice was trilling. ''I don't know what to do. I don't have an aim. I don't like any major, If I apply, I know they would accept me. But I don't want to do anything.'' 

He finally broke. 

''When I try to focus in my mind palace, I'm hearing voices in my head. I'm seeing nightmares when I'm asleep. I started to use drugs because they were stopping my nightmares.'' 

I was surprised. How couldn't I realize that Sherlock was this bad? I was a terrible brother. 

''Why didn't you tell me?'' I said.  ''I could have help you.'' 

''I don't know why.'' said Sherlock. ''I just wanted to be alone, I think.'' 

I went to the door where he was standing and embraced him. ''You won't be alone anymore. I will be with you forever.'' 

''Don't make promises that you couldn't take.'' said Sherlock like he knew what's going to happen.


Sherlock was right.

I couldn't keep my promise. I helped Sherlock for quitting drugs, and he had been clean for 5 months when he graduated high school. He was accepted every school that he made an application, but he chose Cambridge. Unfortunately, Nick went to Oxford, but we were keeping in touch. 

Sherlock loved being in university. He studied chemistry, he chose it because he always loved doing experiments. Is he doing experiments now? I'm sure of it. 

Everything was great, I was applied to both Oxford and Cambridge, but I would go to Oxford. Sherlock was going to graduate next friday. I was so excited about the ceremony, I wish I wasn't.

Because I made a great mistake. 

I am Sherrinford Holmes, 

I never go to a university. After that accident at Sherlock's graduation, I never saw my family again, they know that I'm alive, but Sherlock doesn't know, because Mycroft told him I died. We had no choice, it had to be done. If he knew I was alive, he would go after me. I knew that.

I was trained from the best agents. I'm working for the government like Mycroft. When he works for CIA, It's my job to protect the country.

Now I have something more important to protect, Sherlock. 

He is back, and he's in danger more than ever. 

I'm the only one who can protect him, and I will. 

Although it costs me my life. 


I don't know how could I write so much drama, but I hope you like it :) 

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