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Here's the new chapter. 

Chapter 4: Confrontation

I was terrified when I entered Sherlock's room. I've never felt like this before, I was so afraid of the possibility of never being forgiven. What am I going to do if he don't forgive me? What if he won't want to see me again?

I can't think about this right now, because if I don't confront him I will never know.

Sherlock was looking so pale, so tired. But this time, the reason is the bullet wound, not his addiction.

He was sleeping, I thought of leaving the room. Maybe I could talk to him later. But it would solve nothing. When I was deep in thought, Sherlock broke the silence.

"Are you going to say something, or going to continue staring at me?"

He opened his eyes and looked at me. I couldn't say anything. A couple of minutes later, finally I could say something.

"Sherlock," I started. "I'm so sorry for making you beileve that I'm dead, but I had to."

"It's a long story. But I can only say is you were in danger.

"If you're afraid that I won't forgive you, you're wrong." he said. "I already forgive you, because I did the same thing two years ago."

I sighed with a relief.

He forgave me! I'm forgiven!

"But that doesn't mean I don't have questions." Sherlock said. "You have to tell me everything."

"I will." I said. "Ask me, I will tell you everything."

"Okay, then." Sherlock said. "Why did you go?"

"I..." I stopped. There was no better way to say this. "I killed someone."

"Who?" Sherlock asked. "I don't understand, why would you kill someone, anyone?"

"He was a powerful man. Mycroft convinced them to work for the Government except going to prison."

"He knew?!" asked Sherlock. "I can't believe this! Do our parents know that too?"

"Um.. yes." I said. "I couldn't say that to you, Sherlock. You would come after me, and I didn't want to put you in danger."

"You shouldn't protect me, I should protect you!" he shouted. Then he looked at me. "What were you doing in there?"

"Magnussen." I said. "I think we're looking for the same place."

"Appledore." we said at the same time. I smiled, he smiled too. I realized I missed him terribly. I wouldn't want to confront him in an hospital room, but here we are.

"We can beat him together." I said. "I can help you, Sherlock. I'm not the same, you know? I'm not weak now."

"I know." he said. He smiled at me, but I knew something was bothering him, I thought asking him, but I stopped. We had planty of time to talk.


We came to 211B Baker Street a week after. Sherlock escaped from the hospital a day after they talked and his situation became worse. After a week, he had finally returned home. I could se how he relaxed when he went there. I offered him taking him to his room, but he refused. He went to the couch, and sat there. That was his couch, I could tell. He must be sitting on that couch all the time.

"Did you like it?" Sherlock asked.

"Yeah." I muttered. Living here would be nice.

"You can live with me, you know?" he said as if he heard my thoughts. "The bedroom upstairs is empty since John got married."

I would like that. Really.


It was nice, living here. I haven't been living in a place like that for fifteen years. It's good to be feel like I belong somewhere.

Mrs Hudson was a very nice woman. As soon as she saw me, she treated me like I'm his son. She always said she wasn't their housekeeper, but she brought food all the time and she cleaned the house.

"You took after your father, don't you?" she said. "It's good to see you though. Once I saw him while he was looking at a picture. It was a picture of you and him. He's pleased to see you."

"I'm pleased to see him too." I said. We talked for a while until Sherlock called me.

"Sherrinford." he said. "We need to talk."

I went to the armchair in front of him. He looked at me, and started talking.

"I know you want to catch Magnussen." he said. "I may agree at the hospital, but I still think it's too dangerous."

"I had more dangerous missions." I object. "I'm an agent, Sherlock. I've changed a lot. I was trained to be an agent. I can bear some danger." I looked at him. "I'm not the boy you know fifteen years ago."

"I know." he said. He looked at me for a while, then said "Let's go back to our work then."

I smiled. He opened his laptop, and we started to find something about Magnussen.

Searching something with him felt great.


Finally! Thank you so much for waiting the episode, I hope you like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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